
Monday, March 11, 2013

Emotions "Exposed"

Master Al wrote:

Glad you switched to blogger. Liked the post. Good insight from a subs mind. I would liked to know how it made you feel from an emotional stand point.
Thus the idea for this blog came to mind.
In my previous post "Breaking Through", I explained the details of the night and what I was able to accomplish.  Now the bigger question was how did it make me feel emotionally.  I really had to stop and think.  Obviously, exposing yourself in a public place is taboo, so there is an excitement about the whole ordeal.  Walking through the store, I felt slutty and trampy as I felt the random eyes following me. 
But when I really stopped to think about it, I felt something deeper...Compliance and Trust.
I stopped fighting that internal battle about what he was asking me to do and just did it.  It really was much easier once I moved into a compliant frame of mind. Then I could begin to trust that He would handle the situation with His and my best interest in mind.  


  1. Sorry it took me a while to post. I made a mistake and my Master punished me and took away some of my privileges.

    Glad that's over. My bottom is sore!

    I know exactly what you mean little girl. Once I stopped fighting and let my Master guide me I felt so much better. I have felt that yielding to his guiding hand leads to better service from me and a better relationship for the both of us.

  2. Hi Hana,
    Sorry to hear that you were punished. I feel like I am in trouble most of the time...usually it's for forgetting a task. The part that I left out of this post, which I will share with you now, is that on the way to dinner, because I had forgotten to text Him a naughty picture before I got in the tanning bed, I had to remove my shirt and wear clamps the entire car ride. Thank God it was dark outside:) I see more and more how in serving him, our connection deepens. Now I will admit, I am human and tend lose my patience with it all sometimes but quickly try to put myself back in line before he does:)

  3. Oh by the way Hana, glad you are back! I was hoping you would follow me over to the new website.

  4. No worries. My Master is fair, but if I forget something important then he can be stern...very stern!

    I love clamps! :)

    I'll definitely continue to follow.
