
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mall Tramp

       I have fought this test since day one…exposing my slutty self in a public place. This is one thing Master expects of me but causes such a great deal of inner turmoil. My concern for how others view me makes this type of experience very humiliating but yesterday was to be the day. I had put it off long enough and knew there was no getting out of it. I kept telling myself I just had to get it done. Master and I went upstairs to figure out my attire for the event and after trying on many different outfits, I came out feeling better than I imagined. Thanks to the cold weather, Master decided on a pair of tight jeans, high heeled black boots, and a tight fitting blue sweater…no bra of course. You could definitely see my tits and nipples, but honestly, I was just thanful that you couldn’t completely see through it. With my big hoop earrings and bright red lipstick, I walked out the door with instructions to text him along the way, walk both the top and bottom level of the mall twice, look every person in eye and smile, and use correct posture. Starting slow he says…hmmm.
        I get to the mall and walk in, slowly take my jacket off and begin the slut parade. Completely aware of what every single person around me is doing, I start to walk. It doesn’t take me long to realize most people don’t even look in my direction. They are either wrapped up in conversation with someone else or just seem to be on their own mission. I finish the first two laps and get comfortable enough to stop in a couple of stores. Got to multi-task…bra or not. I did notice a couple of odd glances, mostly from other women, which is what I was most afraid of but just kept reminding myself that I didn’t know them. I was most surprised as I was walking out of the food court, to see my Master walking towards me with a big grin on his face. He was just checking to see if I was cheating and then he left me to finish my last lap. No one approached me but I think overall it was a success.
       I survived and realized the experience wasn’t as bad as I had pictured in my mind. Do I look forward to doing it again…well I don’t think so, but my responsibility as a slave is to always please Master.


  1. Good girl:)

    This post shows your dedication to serving your Master, but it also shows how he is building you as a person. Congrats to you both.

  2. Thank you Sir for your post. I hope that you continue to follow as my Master continues to make me a better sub. I hope you don't mind Sir but I checked your blog as well, and found it intriguing.
