
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Interrogation: Part I

Walking the aisles of the store aimlessly, my mind is racing and my anxiety building because I know my Master is coming for me.  When is He coming…where will He be...what is going to happen …will it be enjoyable or scary?  These thoughts continue racing through my head. 

Today I will be kidnapped and “Interrogated”…a scene which He has so carefully planned.  He refused to share any of the details except that I will taken “against my will” from this public place and I must have thought of a number.  But under no circumstances throughout the “Interrogation”, am I to reveal this number or He wins and that will not bode well for me. 

After what seems like an eternity of waiting and wondering, I allow myself to get side tracked looking at different items in the home goods section of this store.  Not surprising…I am a woman J

Then, it all happens so quickly.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone appear at the end of the aisle and move so quickly towards me that for a split second, I don’t realize it’s Him.  You know when you scare someone so badly all they can do is jump and start running in place?  Well, picture it because that is exactly what I did!  Trying His best not to laugh, He grabs me by the arm and starts to lead me out of the store.  At this point, we are both laughing and then I look at Him and how completely HOT He looks in this outfit I have never seen before.  I should be intimidated, or at least acting the part, but I just melt seeing Him in this black shirt, camouflage pants, and black boots.  He leads me to His car, puts me in the backseat, and handcuffs and blindfolds me.  Oh God, I can’t wait to see what comes next…or can I?    

To be continued…

Just out of curiosity...does your Master/Mistress have a certain attire reserved just for playtime that makes you crazy with desire.  That is the inspiration for my post today! 


  1. Sounds like the start of a very good story. Can't wait to read the rest.

    All black leather. Leather top, leather pants, yum!
