
Monday, April 8, 2013

Master's Task...Your Idea...Humiliate Me!

My Master really enjoys assigning me tasks to be completed.  Sometimes, it can be as simple as picking up his dry cleaning but usually it's much more complicated.  I love that He is so very proud once I have completed His assignment.  However, it's typically not something I am not comfortable doing, and He thoroughly enjoys watching me squirm.

The following is an example...not too complicated but just a little something to give you an understanding of what I am talking about. 

Example: I am to go to the sex shop in a skirt without panties and buy a set of ben wa balls.  Once outside in my car, I am to insert them and drive home.  As soon as I arrive home, I am to show Him the task is completed. 

Now...this is where you come in.  My Master has asked that I enlist your help in coming up with some new creative ideas.  He reviews my blog regularly and will be taking note of all naughty suggestions.  Ultimately, He reserves the right to choose which to use, but I am sure the more devious and humiliating, the better (ok...within reason).  Who might even get to enjoy reading your idea in one of my future blog posts!

Just type your suggestion into the comment box or email me privately at


  1. Go to a club wearing very skimpy clothes...mine was a cut off t-shirt and a mini skirt. Dance with as many guys as possible. You shoudl constantly be rubbing and grinding on there cock. They are allowed to feel you up if they want to.

    1. I like that idea!

    2. Oh...I am sure my Master loves this idea! Thanks for the post.

  2. How come it's alway skimpy clothes with women? My idea is kind of the same. My old Dom had me do this one. Wear skimpy clothes (what else?) and go get my oil changed. I had to try to do my best flirting to get a 50% discount. It didn't work. Thankfully, I had a coupon :)

    1. Hi Hana. I can't speak for other Masters but I know mine likes to focus on the skimpy clothes because he knows how much it gives me anxienty. It doesn't bother me to dress that way so much in front of other men. It's other women's condecending looks that bother me. Sorry your discount didn't work out but My Master read your post and said his truck needs an oil change:)

  3. Go into a public restroom of your Master's choosing and then call your Master. Go into a stall and masturbate for him and as you are cumming, say very clearly and loudly, "Master, I am cumming!", giving a loud moan while you do so.

    1. Hi Sandy. Thanks for the post. It's funny that you wrote this because while my Master is soliciting ideas for all of you readers, I am to come up with 5 ideas myself. One of which He will choose for me to complete this weekend. This was one of my ideas although I didn't think about the phone call aspect. Guess I will need to add that once He has read this:)

  4. Post a nude photo of yourself for all to see on this blog. Encourage readers to make comments about you or your body. Later post another pic of the same pose with some of the words or comments written on you body.

    1. I feel confident that you will find your photo idea here on my blog in the near future. My Master really liked it and already had an idea for the pose. Thank you for the post! Hope you keep visiting:)

  5. Purchase a vibrating butterfly if you do not already have one. I would like you be the "mall slut" again, this time with your new clothing requirements - no bra or panties and a skirt. You will stroll the mall wearing your new toy, the new clothing and a butt plug. The butterfly must be turned on as well as the plug if so equipped. After your task is completed Master will decide if you are to be rewarded.

    1. Oh...I do not have one of those Mr. Sir! Bet I will be getting one soon:) Thank you for your idea. If definitely peaked my Master's interest.

  6. Have the Master sell you for some other good or service. Perhaps to a friend or someone else in the lifestyle. This reinforces your role as his property to use as he wishes, and it's highly humiliating to have to perform favors on your neighbor so the Master can borrow a chainsaw.

    1. Hi Joe! Welcome to my blog. It's funny you mention this idea because Even though it hasn't happened yet, it is a common discussion in our being given to another to service. Although you do add another twist to it. Hmmm....I know He would surely approve of your idea!

  7. He could put you on a leash and parade you around a public park like his pet. Judging on what i've read about your anxiety that would make you very humiliated

    1. One might think you had already been talking to Him:) This is something He has brought up on occasion. Yes, it would cause me great anxiety!!

  8. you are to go on a shopping trip to pick up a list of items of your Master's choosing. The list is to include a trip to a sex shop to pick up some nipple clamps. When the assistant goes to bag them you will tell him/her not to bother as you will wear them to go. You will then apply the nipple clamps to yourself in front of the assistant. I also forgot to mention that for the duration of this task you will have a vibrator switched on and pushed up inside you. No knickers allowed for this task. You should also be granted permission to cum freely for the duration of your shopping trip but every time you do cum you must state audibly 'I'm cumming', regardless of who is present. Punishments will be applied if you allow the vibrator to fall out of you at any point. If it should happens in a public place that would be unfortunate for you but should add to your humiliation and give you increased motivation to hold it inside you. I would also recommend finding the quietest device you can or you may get some funny looks. I'd love to know how this would make you feel, hopefully suitably embarrassed, humiliated and a little excited. If your Master decides to make you carry out this task I look forward to hearing about how you get on.

  9. He is to take you to a pub and ask for a table in a sunny and warm window ( during warm summers day) you are to wear a vibrator with a remote co trol that your master controls ( he could even leave this on the table) and to increase your discomfort you are to wear winter clothing .

  10. Hi Little Girl, good blog, will visit again. I'm a Master with many years experience training submissives. My current submissive has been trained to the point that old inhibitions, taboos etc, have been swept away. Humiliation to her is something she now craves and on an on going daily basis. Her instructions are to remove every stitch of clothing on entering ANY toilet facility, whether it be at home, out shopping/socialising or whilst at work. Before she can use the toilet she must render herself naked. This reinforces her feelings of being owned, that her body and mind belong to her Master. In fact, this works on so many levels to induce all manner of erotic possibilities. :-)

    1. Thank you anonymous for your comment and for visiting. Glad to hear that you will visit again. Things have been pretty quiet the last couple weeks with the holidays and all so hopefully, I will get back to posting soon enough.

      I wish that I could embrace humiliation as well as your sub has. You must be very proud. Humiliation is much more my Master's kink than mine. However, I don't mind private humiliation so much. Public, even though I will do what He asks, still causes me a bit of angst.

      Hope you have enjoyed the holiday!

  11. he could tie you out in the yard like a dog naked. maybe make you sleep under the porch like a pet. HayleySometimes
