
Monday, May 6, 2013

The Fucking Machine, Phone Call, and Finally an Orgasm

Wow...I don't even know where to start except that yesterday turned into quite an interesting day.  Unfortunately, it began with me being really frustrated (probably and understatement) and pretty bitchy.  Ok, let's call it what it was.  I was having myself a grand old pity party.  I did keep enough control so that I wouldn't get myself in trouble because inside the inner rage was at a maximum boiling point.  The last thing I needed was to earn a punishment!

Moving on to the next part of my day, I attended my first Munch!  Admittedly, I was very nervous.  I guess mainly because I didn't know what to expect and how I would actually fit into this group of people I had never met before.  I am a typically a fairly social person and enjoy getting along with everyone so I usually don't have a problem making myself at home.  This really ended up being a great experience.  So many wonderful women and men able to open up and share thoughts and experiences with each other.  I felt empowered to be around a group in which I could embrace this lifestyle rather than trying to find ways to hide it.  No judgment...only listening and offering honest opinions.  For those of  you still skeptical about going to one, I encourage you to DO IT!  I met some awesome people and even if you don't connect with anyone in the group on your first try, there are plenty of others to try out.  You will fit in somewhere. 

But you aren't really reading my blog to listen to me gush about my munch experience are you?  So I will move on to the surprise my Master had planned for me when I returned home.  One of my frustrations has been that we seem to have literally no play time and Master definitely agreed after reading my post yesterday.  So He gave the kids some money and sent them to the movie (benefit of having a kid that can drive).  Not long after they left, He ordered me to come to the bedroom and quickly undress. I couldn't understand the urgency but did as I was told with a smile on my face.  The smile got bigger I think when I saw the fucking machine already waiting on the bed, the restraints peeking out from under the mattress, and the blindfold lying neatly on the bed. 

I quickly hopped on the bed and assumed the spread eagle position as I was told.  Again...He was in such Dom mode, I asked if I had done something wrong.  He said "No" but that we were on a limited time schedule and I needed to be quiet so He could focus.  Geesh...the kids were going to be gone for 2 hours which is like 4 times the amount of time we usually get.  Each of my arms and legs were securely strapped down, the blindfold was placed over my eyes, and He was quickly making adjustments to the fucking machine to make sure it was going to hit all the right spots.  I could hardly stand myself while I just waited and was pretty giddy when I saw the Mac Daddy dildo again (refer to Interrogation Final Scene).  OH YEAH!!  That is until I heard the crackled sound of another person's voice, I am sure on the cell phone.  OH turns to OH SHIT!  I know exactly what He has planned and want to die inside as He tells me that I have to ask permission from the person on the phone for my orgasm. 

My mind is racing and realize there is no way I am getting out of this once He turns on the Magic Wand and places it against my clit at the same time the machine is pumping in and out of my pussy.  The only problem, my internal muscles were clamping down so hard I was not only pushing the dildo completely out but I was pushing the machine further down the bed...haha.  Abandoning that portion of His plan, He turns off the machine and focuses solely on my clit with the wand.  This wand, which we jokingly refer to as my boyfriend, is my weakness and He knows that!  It took only seconds for my orgasm to start building.  I was trying to muster the guts to ask and finally just before I was going to fall over the edge, I blurted out into the phone that my Master was holding "Mister R, may I please come?" only to hear "NOT YET".  I was then asked by Mister R to explain what I would do to please my Master.  At this point, my thoughts are a jumbled mess and thinking of words was difficult.  All I can muster is that I would gladly suck another man's cock to please my Master.  You can probably tell this is my "go-to" when begging.

I could feel my body shaking just trying to hold back until granted permission and then the next question.  "Have you been a good girl this week?"  I almost choked out the words, "Yes I have been a good girl" and was finally granted permission to come.  As humiliating as it was, my orgasm was so hard, my body coming off the bed pulling against all the restraints, and loud enough to be heard through the phone.  At that point, I didn't have a care in the world as I could feel every bit of tension built up over the week completely drain from my body.  My need for release overcame my uncomfortablility.  And guess what?  I did it and survived.  Another barrier broken and very much pleasing to my Master.

Oh, I almost forgot the best part.  Before hanging up the phone, my Master had me to thank Mister R and tell him how I would show my appreciation.  You can use your imagination on that one! 

But this is not the end of my story or the evening. But it will have to be continued tomorrow as I have to work on this week's assignment.  I fill you in on that tomorrow as well;)

Thank you Mister R for helping and I will make good on my promise!

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