
Monday, June 3, 2013

Master-baiting or Masturbating?

There is really very little new going on in our lives right now.  Like I said, with school being out, there is always something going on that doesn't involve us having much fun of our own. However, in a few short weeks, we are going to have the house to ourselves for 16 days, but really, who's counting!  Can you tell I'm excited?  People keep saying..."you won't know what to do with yourselves".   I just jokingly reply, "Oh, we know what to do!"  Ha-ha. If they only knew:)

Yesterday, I did attend my second munch, which was an even better experience than the first.  There were so many people to talk to and it was great meeting some new friends in person that I have spoken with on Fetlife.  You know who you are:)

More and more, I just feel myself finally finding where I fit in.  My early years, as well as pretty much my entire adult life, have been pretty devoid of friends.  Even though I am extremely social, I just couldn't connect with people when it seemed fake or forced. It's very hard to find a group of individuals where you share something in common.  Kink is amazing in more ways than one!

I thought since I didn't have much new to report, I might provide some entertainment with pictures Master enjoyed taking recently.  We chose some shots of me masturbating because quite frankly this is one of Master's favorite things to watch me do.  Well, I am sure it comes a close second anyways to getting His cock sucked.  I'm not going to lie...I enjoy the picture taking as well.  And OK, I enjoy the cock sucking too. 

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