
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Privacy is So Overrated!

Funny thing happened to me today.  Well, at least I think it was. 

I don't intend to give away the details of the task assigned to me this week since I am saving that for another post, but I do have to give a little background information so you will understand why I was doing what I was doing.  

This week I have to achieve 50 orgasms, to be completed before the end of Sunday. 

You can imagine, between work and busy home life, it's a bit difficult to find time to squeeze them all in but who's complaining.  Normally, my orgasms are kept to a minimum, so I am certainly going to take advantage of this opportunity and give it my best try with a smile on my face before, during, and after every single one! 

I was actually going to have some time after dropping my youngest off at soccer to come home and knock out a couple o's before having to start dinner and go back to pick her up.

But NOOOOOOO........just one small little problem.  My oldest had made herself quite comfortable using the exercise bike in my bedroom just before we headed out for soccer.

Urrggg!!!  Ok.  Back-up plan in effect.  I do have the battery operated vibrator in my purse.  So I pull into the driveway and decide it can't hurt to take care of my business really quick right there.  After all, I was wearing a skirt with no underwear. 

Just as things were starting to get pretty nice, I don't know what made me open my eyes but all of a sudden I catch a glimpse of something moving towards  the car.  A little old Asian gentlemen is literally just a few steps from my car.  Quickly, I pull my skirt back down and shove the vibrator under my leg just as he steps up to the window.  I roll the window down and He politely hands me an advertisement for a show at a local event venue.

I don't know what or if he saw anything.  But he continued on his way and I continued on mine.

Who needs privacy anyways!


  1. OMG! I don't know to laugh or cry for you. I wonder what he saw and thought.

    I have to say, this task sounds awesome, until I would have to actually do it. Good luck with it.

    You are right, who needs privacy these days.

    1. You really is just my luck!

      And far the task is awesome but only on #24 so I still have some work to do!

  2. 50! Oh my word! haha. In my world 14 or 15 a week is normal, 20 would be above average but workable, 30 would be an odyssey, but 50! You're gonna ware yourself out girl! haha.

    On a side not I love the photos of your punishment positions, you obviously take great care of yourself. It's inspiring!

    K~ xxoo

    1. Haha! That's what happens when I complain that I don't get enough...I am sure by 50 I will be complaining then that it's too much!

      Unfortunately, 1 or 2 is about all I get in my normal week. He keeps me just on the cusp of constantly frustrated, which ended in a bit of a mini melt down last week. I'm sure that factored into the decision regarding this task.

      Thanks for the compliments on the pictures:)

  3. Wow. That is quite the task. I can't imagine how you'll get anything else done this I'd have a really rough time with that one as my two little kiddos don't know the meaning of privacy (do any kids know that?). Anyways, enjoy!

    1. Haha...nope. Not sure any kids do. Mine probably weren't taught boundaries early enough that's for sure. Or whole world revolved around them so it's hard now to retrain that philosophy now that we have established our D/s relationship.

      I will try to enjoy. Only at 24 so far! No time today at all so that's not a good thing.

  4. I agree here, what a task.
    And, yes, privacy is overrated.

    1. An interesting task indeed. Not sure if I love it or hate it but like I said...not complaining. Just hope I don't fail:)

  5. I'm thinking of that line in "Ferris Buehler's Day Off".... "Ferris Buehler you're my hero!" :-)

    1. Awww...thanks Betty! I love that movie! :)

    2. Oh by the way...I haven't forgotten about the Hitachi post. Just haven't had a chance to work on it yet.

  6. How did I miss this post?!

    A girls got to do, what a girls got to do.
