
Monday, October 28, 2013

50 Dollars

This is what I get for being amused at reading His Slut's post, Letter from His Slut's Mind.

Yes...we have all talked about how our pussy is a snitch and she tells on us all the time for enjoying things that we should otherwise should be hating  Well, my pussy must have heard me laughing and agreeing with His Slut and decided to exact her revenge, getting us both in trouble in the process.

If you have read through enough of my posts, you know one of my rules is that I have to ask for permission to cum, which Master may accept or deny at His discretion.  Not only that, but He also tends to ration out my orgasms like MREs during the coming ( pun intended) Zombie Apocalypse. 

Of course last week I was being punished for forgetting in the heat of the moment to ask permission altogether, the most dreadful of offenses!  I certainly wasn't going to make that mistake again on Friday night when He had me splayed on the bed in my garters and fishnet hose pleasuring me with His mouth and teasing me with His fingers, which is my total weakness by the way.

Only this time, when I asked permission (TWICE I might add), answer!

OH SHIT!  Too late now, she said.

OK...I will accept the responsibility for maybe waiting one millisecond too long to ask but I swear I desperately tried to stop her.  There was absolutely no fighting the finger trick though.  Deciding to have her own fun and disobey her Master, she had just committed the second deadliest of sins and knew exactly how much trouble she was going to get me in.

For this she is a C-U-N-T!  Oh...I hate that word but in my opinion she doesn't even deserve to be called a pussy right now.

Thanks to her I get no more orgasms until I collect 50 dollars.

How are you going to collect 50 dollars? might ask

Well, the answer to that is...I will earn 5 dollars from Master for each blowjob I give Him.  Not only that, each one is to be initiated with the following statement:

Master, I am a cheap whore and my price is 5 dollars.

Yep...she's a C-U-N-T alright, and with only 15 dollars in my purse at the moment, she has a lot of damn nerve to tell me she is horny! We are in for a long week a-head (pun intended!).



  1. Oopsy daisy! At least you are $15 down...

    Yeah, I know, that doesn't help.

  2. omg, I'm laughing..I'm sorry! thank you for that laugh.... pussy needs to be bitched slapped-for real!

  3. Haha! I wish you luck.That sounds pretty hot though! Yes...karma is a bitch and I have even found out more so since this post!

  4. Wow... Okay this makes me laugh A LOT!!! I love giving giving oral.. So I would gladly do it... Still feeling bad I've broken a rule. Good luck! :)

    1. So glad you got a good laugh! At least I am up to $20 now:)

  5. Great idea! I might steal it... :)

    1. Haha...My M will be quite pleased that you liked the idea but I will send my apologies to your sub:)

  6. I like your puns. This post made me smile, even though I think I'd DIE in your situation!

  7. Thanks...I'm glad you liked it!

    You would probably surprise yourself. I never thought I would be able to survive my situation either. My motto continues to be "one day at a time!"

  8. I don't think my little sub could hold off. Not that I've asked. Yet...

    1. Well I wish her the best of luck if and when you try to make her. There was a point in time I didn't think so either. It's still not my favorite but I try to understand His purpose.
