
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Safety First


I realize there is something I have been somewhat remiss in discussing...that is SAFETY in what we do.  Not only are there safety considerations that need to be made in planning and executing scenes but you have probably read in my posts on more than one occasion that He has dressed me quite inappropriately and sent me into a public places. This poses a different type of safety concern and without proper explanation of how this is accomplished, at least for us, it could most certainly cause concern about one's well being. 

My Master knows that I despise this type of attention, which is why He does it. While my preference is to dress sexy, He insists on trashy because it makes me uncomfortable, therefore achieving the desired effect of humiliation when ogled by random strangers.  Plus, this is part of who He is and part of His own kink.  He just plain enjoys showing me off. 

The downside to this type of play is that it could potentially jeopardize mine or anyone else's safety that chooses to engage in this type of mental game. 

It's important to clarify for anyone that may looking for ideas and contemplating doing something like this with their sub, it is not something to take lightly.  Use common sense because the safety of your partner is so very important.  They may be willing to do something that takes them out of their comfort zone but that is done with the understanding that you will protect them. 

If you are the sub, the same goes for you if being asked to do something of this nature.  Use good judgment and don't put yourself in uncontrolled situations.  When it comes to your well-being, don't place trust in those that haven't completely earned it.    

Some of the ways He ensures my safety is that I do not go alone on these "adventures".  There have been times that I haven't seen Him or known where He is but, He is there, lurking somewhere.

Even if I have been given instructions to drive there by myself, I am required to text Him when I arrive and am given specific instructions on where to park.  He doesn't say specifically, but I know this is so He can watch as I walk in and walk out.  While in the store, He will continue to communicate or provide instructions by text and at some point our paths cross...even if He pretends not to know me.  Sometimes, I am within a few feet of Him the whole time.  It just depends on His mood.     

I should also say that the area you live in is really important.  Bad things can happen anywhere but we do live in a fairly small suburban area with very low crime.  Obviously, you have to take the overall safety of your area into account.

We talk about my safety all the time.  I communicate with Him if I have concerns and He takes all this into account and does everything that He can do help me feel at ease.  But I can only willingly submit to these situations because of one thing...TRUST.


  1. This is so important! I'm glad you shared because sometimes people get so caught up in the moment and forget the most important things.

    1. Thanks Misty. is most important and I think in talking about some of the things we do, we should also talk about some of the safety considerations for those people that are maybe in newer or are thinking about getting involved in a D/s relationship.

  2. what a great post....thank you for reiterating the importance of this subject matter.

    1. Thanks HS! I have to give Betty the credit. She commented on my last post and I realized it was something important to be addressed.

  3. You made my day. Since your last post I have thought about you a lot and was very sad. My faith in you and your Dom is restored. You are a great women for putting this on your blog and bringing up the attention safety deserves. BIG hug for you!

    1. I thought about it alot since your comment. I started to worry that people might read what I was writing and not understand the responsibly to safety. After being with my M for 20 years, I tend to take this for granted. I just know implicitly that He would never jeopardize our family.

      Hugs back!
