
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Scene is Set

With a set of instructions left for me this morning, I prepare myself and am now heading out to meet Him with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

What is planned for today?  My mind is buzzing!

He has taken care of all the details and all I have been told is where to be, what time, and what to wear. 

How, after 20 years with this man, can I be so nervous? 


  1. Replies
    1. Well our day is over and I just posted a little bit. I decided I was going to folliw your lead with not using "I". Hope you don't mind...I think it may make it easier for me to write about in this case! A whole lot to process...

  2. Ditto HS. There are probably plenty of couples who would love the excited nerves after 20 year together.... Better than over familiarity :-)

    1. Thanks DF...I had some suspicions that this may be a real limit pushing day and that definitely intensified the nerves:)

  3. I am looking forward to the outcome... maybe some advice for my Master of 26 years...

    1. Like I was telling ended up being quite a lot to process so it will definitely take a few posts to lay it all out. Glad you are looking forward to the rest of the story:)
