
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Evening Walks

No kinky stuff to report on recently...still working on earning my 50 dollars. Master was sick for several days last week so I haven't been able to earn my cash (and complete my punishment) as quickly as I would have liked which is a bummer.

I do have to say that I have really come to enjoy our evening walks though.  What started as our attempt to escape for 30 stolen minutes a day, away from kids, pets, and mother, has now turned into a family affair.

The girls started.asking to come with us and begrudgingly we told them alright.  It was selfish...I know! But we get so little time together, we hated to share that time too, this new little ritual that had developed between us. 

However, I have come to love hearing them ask every night after dinner if we are ready to go.  They seem to look forward to putting away their homework, TV, laptops, and just spending some time with us. 

As we walk, my heart melts as I watch the bonding taking place between my Husband and our eldest, who will most likely be leaving the nest next year.  She's a rather quiet type, actually her and her Dad are just alike...both completely content to keep their faces buried in a good book.  But when we are out walking she talks to Him a mile a minute about everything under the sun...from books, to school, to history, to life in general.

Usually, I stay just a few feet behind with the younger one.  She be-bops along...sometimes we sing and sometimes we talk about friends or anything else that strikes her fancy at the moment.  She always has something to say that makes me giggle.  At some point, she may run ahead to hold her Dad's hand.  I shake my head and smile because they walk just alike.

These years are going so fast and I desperately want to hold on to all the precious moments before they are off building a life, a family, and memories of their own.   
Oh, don't get me wrong...there are times when they frustrate me to no end and it's on these days that Master reminds me that one day I will wish for it all back.  


  1. Moments like this make all the bad stuff not seem so bad. I love moments like this!

    Sorry to hear that working off the $50 isn't cumming along as well as you hoped. Bahahahaha, I couldn't help myself :)

    1. Yes...these moments really do put life into perspective.

      You are too funny! Glad you got a good laugh:)

  2. This sounds like a great family bonding time. It seems like the years fly by as the days drag on. Treasure these moments while you can. You've just inspired me to start evening walks with my family.

    Here's to hoping you can earn that cash quickly!


    1. It really has been nice and I am so glad it inspired you to do the same!

      As far as the cash...10 dollars to go:)

  3. I can appreciate how these walks were intended for just you both, but as has already been said......treasure these family moments.


    1. I know...I look at my oldest whose 17 and am so glad that she wants to spend time with us. So many teenagers don't want to be around their parents, so I try to always appreciate that:)

  4. That balance of adult time and family time - at the end of the day the kids win because we know they will be adults one day and gone.

    1. So I am just a sucker for their sweet faces especially when they guilt me with the puppy dog eyes:) I don't let them know that though!

  5. after June, I've really come to realize how precious life is and time is with my children and am continually trying to steal more time with them away from the hustle and bustle of life. enjoy as you are right.
