
Monday, November 18, 2013

Just 5 Minutes of Hell

Five minutes of hell is what Master called it.  I could be sarcastic here and say "well I thought that's what the last 3 weeks has been" but my brain to mouth filter is thankfully intact because I would have ruined a perfectly good time for myself.  Little did I know, I was only 5 minutes away from finally being granted what I have waited so patiently for.  

Then I realize that He intends to use the Hitachi.  Oh God!  For those of you that have used a Hitachi, you probably understand five minutes with that vibrator could easily mean multiple orgasms.  As worked up as I have been over these past few weeks, I wonder how the hell I can possibly hold out against that for even 30 seconds.  Immediately fearing another punishment on my horizon, Master quickly clarifies that this is only for fun, no pass or fail.  I wish I could say this was comforting but once He has laid out the expectations for anything I don't want to disappoint, even if it is just for fun.  Damn type A personality!

Just to make it a bit more fair, Master decided if I got close to cumming, all I had to do was say "stop" and He would give me a 30 second break.  I was allowed up to 5 breaks so really I only had to make it through two and a half minutes of vibration time.  I'm a little more confident I can handle that.   

He leads me over to the bed and tells me to lay down, spread my legs and keep my arms down by my side.  The moment He turns the vibrator on and touches my clit a rush of excitement floods my body.  As He softly moves it around my pussy, I fight the waves that are quickly building and make it a full minute and a half before calling for the first mercy break.

I manage to complete the whole five minutes with only 3 breaks but now I am confused because He doesn't stop.  Not only that, I am getting dangerously close to the edge.  I don't really know if I am allowed to ask permission yet but before it's too late, I ask Him to stop.  He keeps going.  Now I am pleading with Him to stop.

NO! is His only response. 

Knowing that there is no way I can hold back anymore, I ask permission and can only hope it's granted. 

Master, may I cum?

Yes, you may!


  1. hope that cum ripped through your deserve it. you are seriously my idol. I don't know how you do it.

    oh, I wonder how many of us are type a's. When Sir says, "enjoy and have fun" I feel like I'm being tested.

    btw, I think I want this Hitachi, though I'm scared how He'll use it and length of time.

    1. Oh my gosh!! It did rip through and so has every one since! It's really been awesome!! I mean orgasms are always good but they seem to be super intense at the moment. I guess I am so thankful, I don't take one second of pleasure for granted.

      You HAVE to get the Hitachi. You will NEVER regret it. What's the worst that can happen? Haha...too many orgasms?

    2. She did deserve it and i second you on the idol thing.

      Master wants a Hitachi. i tried to talk him out of it when we were first starting this (i've seen Sex and the City...i know what that thing does, lol!). No luck. My rabbit is pretty good for getting me off over and over and anything length of time with it and no orgasm is pure torture so i can only imagine how bad this thing is.

    3. ladies are so sweet. I certainly don't think if myself as an idol but I am flattered:)

      Scarlet...I have the rabbit and the Hitachi to me is so much better. I actually only ended up using the rabbit twice. Bought it after I already had the Hitachi and it just didn't do it for me.

  2. After three weeks, you definitely deserve it! Fantastic orgasms - the fringe benefits of being made to wait? even then he kept you on the brink!

    1. Yes..I have actually been granted several the last few days and they are all amazing in a way that I haven't experienced before. I felt extremely humbled by the whole experience as well.

  3. Hugs.. i am so glad your Master and you had such a pleasant way to release the drought of cums hitachi and i have a love/ hate relationship because it gives me such intense pleasure it hurts at times. :-) have a good week

    1. Thanks saffy! We did have a really nice time. I was so appreciative too:)

      I know what you mean about the Hitachi. Once you get past a certain point, it's crazy intense but in a good way...I think!

      I hope you have a great week as well:)


    1. Haha! , Thanks Misty. I was so happy for me too. Not sure how long that silly grin was plastered on my face:)

  5. Well done fight against the magic wand. You surely deserved the climax. I hope that you enjoyed it a lot!

    1. Thank you Sir! It certainly was a fight but one that was well worth it. My Master has been quite generous the last few days:)
