
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Take a Step Back

A question I see often is how can a submissive acknowledge and show respect to her Dom in public without being overly obvious.  

Walking behind is one way that I show respect to my Master.  Maybe not always as far behind as the lady in this picture but you get the idea.

Whether we are out shopping or out for a stroll, I remind myself to keep one step behind to His left side.  Occasionally, He may reach out to hold my hand and I understand that He wishes for me to walk with Him but that is only on His terms and not something for me to initiate.   

As I follow His lead, my eyes, for the most part, remain on Him so if He slows or stops I can adjust my pace accordingly so as to not get ahead. 

It took some getting used to but taking a step back was really such a simple unspoken gesture...


  1. Great post..i'm looking forward to this when Master gets home.

    1. Thanks! By the long is it before he comes home? I

    2. Oh scarlet! That is far too long. I could not imagine.

  2. I think little things like this mean so much.

    1. I think so too. And to think I used to get mad long ago about this very issue. He always had a tendency to walk ahead and I would fuss about how rude it was. Good thing crow doesn't taste too!

  3. I've never given much thought to it but I've been doing this for years. Now it kinda makes sense. :-)


    1. Funny how certain things just tend to develop:)


  4. Sir never says how I sjould walk, but I do walk behind Him and regardless who is around I always address Him as Sir.

    1. I rarely call Him Sir in public. Did once in front of my bitter man hating mom and thought she was going to choke:)

    2. *evil laugh* I will have to do that the next time I'm around my mom!

  5. I loved this description of your walking.
    We rarely walk alone without the kids, so our hands are already taken by them, we have to go at their varying paces. When we do walk together, I love when he takes his hand in mine, I always feel like he's looking after me.

    1. Thank you DF. We walk quite a bit with the kids and usually He walks ahead with our teenager and I lag behind with the younger one.

      I do love when He hooks my hand too:)

  6. When i am out with Master, i have to walk on His left, and He tucks my arm in His.... before i met Him, i suffered a long time with agraphobia and panic attacks, and it is His way to be able to keep me safe from any unknown situation that might arise. ( i also think it may be a way of curbing impulse buys ) (((hugs)))) saffy

    1. Thank you for sharing such a personal experience. .It is wonderful that your Master helps you to cope with these issues and helps you feel safe:)

      My 10 year old deals with panic attacks and anxiety. Any words of wisdom you might impart because there are times we really don't know how to help her.

  7. My 10 year old boy has anxiety and panic attacks, you're not alone. The only way I can help him deal with it is by talking quietly and calmly to him about anything and it means he has to concentrate on me and his panic usually eases x Sarah

    1. So sorry that you are dealing with this too but glad to know that I am not alone. Funny that they are the same age. I really hope it's something they can grow out of:)

    2. Casting my mind back I used to suffer terrible anxiety attacks at the age of 10/11, nothing bad was happening in my life but I was overcome by many simple tasks to the point of being depressed. I did grow out of it, not easily but through experience and age. I often think it is a difficult age, the move into puberty, when part of your brain is becoming more adult like and other parts remain child like. Trying to live with the two creates stress and fear. Some kids are simply more sensitive to the world about them than others.

    3. She does tend to get worked up about the oddest things and it seems to be worse when she's tired. Glad to hear that you were able to overcome! And I have noticed, she has always been very sensitive to weirdly things that other children don't even give a second thought.
