
Friday, January 24, 2014


I have a problem and the first step to solving the problem is admitting it...right? 

Well, apparently, I am a little OCD. 

Ok...Ok...maybe "little" is a slight understatement.  I have a bit of a problem when it comes to certain things. 

Throwing things away may be one of those things in particular.

It's not that I don't appreciate the things I have, but for the most part, things hold little sentimental value to me.  If I look around and see too much stuff, I quiet literally feel anxiety and when this mood sets in, there is very little I am not willing to toss in the trash or send to Goodwill.

My family picks on me whenever they can't find something. must have thrown it away!  Other people that know me, always joke that when they want to clean out their homes they should have me come over.   

However, my compulsion is going to get me in big trouble if not more careful.

Three times in the last two weeks, I have found myself digging through the disgusting trash to recover items mistakenly tossed.  I even had to make a visit to a dumpster, recover 3 bags of trash from my kids room, just to find doll earrings that I mistakenly thought was broken jewelry.

Apparently, I can now cross dumpster diving off my bucket list (LOL)!

Thankfully, Master hasn't seen fit to punish me even though the other day, I just happened to discard a very important piece of mail that He was expecting.  Digging through the trash did not save me in this case.  Trash day had come and gone before we realized He was missing something.   

Blinking innocently...I really did think it was an advertisement for a new credit card.

Luckily, He simply called the company and requested it be sent again but I better get this under control or next time I have a feeling I may not be so lucky.  In fact, it's probably best if I don't throw away ANY mail with His name on it.   

What's your OCD? 


  1. Oh I have the same ocd. I hate clutter and admit to digging through trah to find something important that I threw away, many times. I also can't stand dirty floors. No toys, clothes, shoes or any other misc item left on floor. Drives me nuts. Glad to know someone else shares my crazy! ;-)


    1. It is such a relief to hear that someone shares my crazy too! Same thing here...nothing on the floors:)


  2. Anytime from 8am to 8pm you will find my house covered in toys. I keep things clean but not clutter free. I refuse to go behind my kids all day picking up toys, it helps to know it will not always be this way. However, I am picky on having things straight and in line; seeing a crooked bumper sticker, picture, etc., drives me bonkers!

    1. i'm with you on the toys. my little terrorist should win an award for his house destruction skills.

    2. With my kids being a little older, we don't really have the issue of toys on the floor anymore but it did darn near drive me crazy when we were going through that phase!

  3. My OCD is old food. RK hates to waste food so he will save (half eaten and/or expired) food and eat it weeks later. It skeeves me out so I wait a couple of days and then I throw it out.

    1. oh....i am with you on that. A few days and that's all. After's gotta go:).

      Welcome and thanks for liking it here enough to follow!

  4. Socks on the floor! i can not stand socks on the floor. And i have to make the bed before i get into it.

    1. I don't necessarily make the bed before getting in it but I totally get this. I do like the sheets and covers straight and flat.

      Socks on the floor don't last a minute with our dog. She runs off with them and then we have to play chase to get them back:)

  5. I am OCD about door knobs and light switches... I clean them more often then is probably sane but my son is 15 and always seems to leave finger prints on them and I just can't stand it. I also like everything on seen surfaces (like in the medicine chest or on the counters) to be turned label out so I don't have to turn it to see what it is, drives my son crazy. He will open the medicine chest or the cupboard and just turn and look at me like I'm a Stepford mom though I doubt he's seen that, lol.

  6. We could do everything perfectly and I think our kids would still consider us all crazy:) I totally understand the label thing!!

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