
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let it Go

What a way to start the New Year! 

The loss of something near and dear to me.  The loss of one of my very own appendages. 

Don't worry, not on my body.  MY CELL PHONE!!  Literally, my phone is attached to me at all times, especially since I usually have well let's just say questionable material on it.

Sometime while we were out on New Year's Eve, I must have lost it.  I retraced all my steps, searched high, and low and can only assume at this point, it is in the grubby paws of someone who hopefully enjoys my naked pics...cause many of them were there. life was in that small little device.  Until the last year or so, I have never become so dependent on something.  Hell, I even have reminders set for my chores. 

Needless to say, I was really bummed yesterday when I realized that finding it was hopeless.  Mostly, I was completely frustrated at myself for being careless, and mad that my mistake was going to cost us money that we didn't need to spend.  He worked hard on our budget for this new year and here I go and screw it up on the very first day.

Finally, I sat on the couch and sighed.  Master said, "let it go".  My response...But I am so upset with myself!

What He said next left me in shock. 

I understand...I would be upset too.  But you have one hour to be mad or pout and then I want you to let it go.

Rather than chastising me for being careless as I thought might happen, or dismiss my frustrations as He might have done in our previous life, He actually gave me the freedom to feel what I was feeling.

I sat there for a few moments and then got up to go help my daughter re-arrange her room.  I didn't even want to stay mad anymore.  He took control of it that easily.

Come to think of it, now that I put in words, how did He allow me the freedom to my feelings but in essence still controlled them?  Does that even make sense? 

Wow...He's good!




  1. Oh my gosh... I totally understand how you feel. Just thinking about losing my phone makes me want to cry.

    I love the way he handled it. Perfect!


    1. I curse myself for upgrading to a smart phone. I never would have cared before that!

      Loving the way He handled it too:) If only we knew all along it could be that easy!


  2. Hugs, i would so hate to lose my phone, only cos it my "memory" on it ,plus it is a way i can keep in touch with my young adults without it costing money. We have an app on our things that allows you to trace the phone, ipod etc if it gets lost, (sort of like gps i would imagine) Here is hoping some honest person turns yours in, or it turns up. Loving the way that your One handled it though, i dont know that i would have been able to stop beating myself up so quick . Have a good Friday
    saffy xx

    1. It was my memory too. There were some pictures and videos (family stuff) that just can't be replaced. I wasn't smart to download everything. And trying to locate it wouldn't work because the battery was dead when I lost it.

      He really did handle it well So thankful for His level head!!

      Have a good weekend:)

  3. ((((hugs)))) hope a new year miracle happens and your phone turns up! I guess this is a lesson to use a data cloud or back up on your pc :(

    'I understand...I would be upset too. But you have one hour to be mad or pout and then I want you to let it go.'

    perfect - validation and healthy, helpful control. love it! xxx

    1. Awww,,,,thanks for the hugs! I wish that it was going to turn up but it isn't looking good. I will probably go ahead and get a new one this weekend. I feel completely lost and naked without it!!

      Validation is the exact word I was looking for. Sometimes all it takes is validation for us to begin the process of cooling off.:)

  4. What you said makes perfect sense. You had the freedom to feel frustrated and angry, but knew that you had a timer on it and that you had to let it go. Master did this with me the other day..though without the time limit...just told me to go away and calm down. As soon as He said that, i immediately started cooling off.

    Sucks about the phone...we've had so many unexpected expenses in the last few weeks so i completely understand your frustration. Hugs!

    1. I am glad that you have had the same experience...with the cooling off. LOL not the unexpected expenses. Don'[t you just hate when it seems everything breaks at one time or unexpected bills come rolling. URGGG!!!
