
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Questions and Answers

It's hard to believe my first post here in blogger was nearly a year ago. I am so thankful for everyone here that reads even if you have remained anonymous. I am also thankful for some of you that I have gotten to know more personally. I have learned so much through sharing my experiences and reading other's.

In honor of March's Q&A month, feel free to ask me anything you like, and I will do my best to provide an answer.

Post your question(s) here in the comments or if you would still like to remain anonymous, just email me a private message!


  1. Happy first blogiversary!
    Do you use Fetlife much and is it useful?

  2. Would you recommend a Hitachi? With or without attachments?

  3. If you could ban one implement from ever being used again, what would it be?

    Most outrageous/expensive wish list item for TTWD?

  4. happy bloggyversary ...i know its not a word...but it is in my own personal dictionary lol

    1) 3 kink things on your to-list?

    2) when did you first realise that this is what you wanted?

    3) how has it changed you?


  5. Favorite movie?

    Craziest place you and your hubby have gotten down to business?

    Your biggest hurdle in M/s when you first began?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hi Anonymous. I apologize if I accidently deleted your comment. I did write a post to answer your question:)

  7. One of your given resolutions for 2014 was to provide your fellow bloggers with a weekly picture post. Will we see more of these posts are the weather turns warmer?

    1. Taking the pictures is actually one of the things I enjoy most. Master always has such a keen eye for a good shot, and I just love posing for Him. It's just fun time together. Of course, I love posting them for everyone else to enjoy as well. However, this is one of the many things that has fallen prey to our busy lives. I know there should really be no excuse but a picture can be only so good when trying to take it yourself and it just seems that we either have no time and/or privacy. Hopefully your gentle reminder will help us get back on track with this!

  8. A few of your posts have discussed how you have pleased your Master through your required service of other men. Has He ever requested you to engage with another woman in that way? If not, has it been discussed?

    1. It has never been requested but it has been discussed quite a bit.

      However, I have never been with another woman so He was hoping that if and when I had a first experience, it would just happen organically.

      Its just difficult either way since we aren't really involved in the local community. The opportunity just hasn't presented itself.

      Thank you for the question!

  9. Maybe consider a post about your dynamic in the company of others. Is there any element of d/s when you two go out with another couple. Are any of His friends aware of the dynamic...are any of yours? Do you have an external confidant that you can bounce things off of? - AAF4Us

    1. Thanks for the idea. I have actually been working on this and will hopefully post something later on today!
