
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Master's Point of View

Master and I have done some talking lately about the direction of my blog and He asked me to write this post today.  He intends to begin making occasional posts which I am so excited about not only because He is an amazing writer but I love to hear things from His perspective.

For the most part, He is very a quiet person, a man of very few words.  You probably haven't even seen Him comment here.  So, getting such a rare, personal peek into His mind is quite humbling to me. 

I think He already has some ideas of things He would like to share but feel free to suggest topics or ask questions about anything you that may be interesting in hearing about from His point of view.

So, I would like to introduce you all to my Master.  Feel free to refer to Him as Heron. 


  1. Oh, I do love hearing things from a Dom's perspective! I will look forward to reading his posts, though I'm fresh out of topics/questions at the moment.

    1. I can't guarantee that it will be often but I do hope you enjoy what He brings to the blog when He does!

  2. I love blogs from both perspectives :) welcome Heron

  3. Awesome, I agree with Misty! (or maybe not, my Master already gets way too many ideas on how to torture me from your blog, lol)

    1. Haha! Sorry about that...Or maybe not depending how you want to look at it:)

  4. Oh this should be fun! I'm looking forward to reading things from his perspective. Welcome Heron!

    You had mentioned before that Heron has always had kinks that you were not keen on until recently. I would love to hear from him about the years he wasn't able to explore that side of himself vs now being your Master. How has it changed him personally?


    1. Oh...this is such a good question! I actually have some ideas bouncing around my head but I will let Him take the reigns to see how He views His own transformation.

  5. In reading your Blog I have not seen any post that are credited to Him. Has He made any content contributions that may not have specifically noted as such? As the D portion of a former d/s relationship, I always appreciate the insights from other Masters.

    1. Thank you for pointing this out anonymous! Sadly, He has not made any contributions but to His credit, the last few months have been nothing short of completely hectic for Him.

      I did share your comment with Him as a reminder in hopes that He will soon set aside a few moments to contribute.

      Thank you for reading here and taking the time to comment:)
