
Thursday, June 5, 2014

When Daddy's Not Happy

I knew I screwed up on Tuesday.  I actually knew it before He even got home.  Lately, I have been running 90 miles a minute with projects galore piled up.  He has been very patient but it seems that I am constantly distracted by everyone else's demands. 

One daughter was on my case about remodeling her room. 

The other daughter, "Can we go shopping?...Can we go to the movies?...Can my friends spend the night?".  This list actually could go on and on. 

My own mom even started chiming in (even though she is a guest in our home)..."When are you going to clean and stain the deck?" because she wants to clean the downstairs patio. 

Urrrggg...I would really love it all to stop but here's the thing.  I have this terrible habit of twisting myself inside out, trying to keep everyone happy.  Don't get me wrong either.  I also really do love to get myself engrossed in projects.  My girls and I are all a little obsessive that way.

So, the last couple weeks, I have finished the bedroom remodel, in between running the other one and her friends around all over the place.  Then after getting in from work on Tuesday, I got tired of listening to my mom hint around so I went upstairs, changed clothes and started cleaning the deck. 

Before I knew it, I came inside for just a minute, looked at the clock and it said 6:20.  Knowing that Daddy would be home shortly, I quickly got dinner started, gave my older one instructions to get the noodles started after the water boiled and ran back outside to try and get finished before Daddy got home. 

Now, there is no hard fast rule about what time dinner should be ready but He does like it to be ready soon after He gets in and most nights, that is exactly how things work.  Unfortunately, the last bit of the deck was taking a bit more time and effort so I had lost track of time.  Daddy got in before I was done and took to finishing the dinner preparations Himself.

Yes...I very easily could have stopped trying to multi-task and focused on finishing dinner.  The deck would still have been there later.  But despite my better judgment, the drive to finish what I started took over.

It was all over His face when I came in as He was putting dinner on the table.  And if I had any doubt whether He was upset or not, the uncomfortable silence from His end of the table all through dinner made it very clear.

I tried several times later to talk to Him about it, wanting Him to tell me why He was upset.  But honestly, I knew.  My focus had not been on what was pleasing to Him and I felt pretty ashamed of myself. 

Finally, I just apologized for disappointing Him.  He told me not to worry about it, that it wasn't like He's told me to have dinner on the table at an exact time and I was, in fact, working hard on something.   But things were still a bit on the chilly side for a while.

So you better believe, last night, I made sure to set all other things aside and be ready when He came in the door.




  1. Sometimes you just need a reboot.


    1. Yes...a reboot certainly does seem to put it all back into perspective.

      Hugs back!

  2. It sounds like this was a perfect example of you learning what and who takes priority. It's a tough balancing act. I think at times we are tougher on ourselves then They are.

    1. It's funny how your mind rationalizes certain things. I was telling myself..."well this is important too, not like I am propped up in the couch doing nothing". But in the end, He takes priority unless He specifies otherwise or its something crucial with the kids.

      And one is tougher on me than me!

  3. I know this feeling. Ugh.

    I'm so far behind on your blog (sorry!) -I'm bound to have missed something good- but at some point I will catch up :)

    1. That's ok Misty! We all have alot going on and I am just flattered that all you ladies visit here, no matter how often or not.:) xo

  4. I am the worst at getting my mind stuck on things when I should be moving along to the next :) ava x

    1. Hi Ava! It is certainly easy to do isn't it?

  5. I think by nature we just try to take on too much and handle too much. I know I do it to myself. Some times we just have to stop, take a breath and tell ourselves it can wait until tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that.

    1. Hi Spanking Good Time. I think you are absolutely right...we do try to try to take on too much and it seems like no matter how hard I try, I just keep making that same mistake. I need to heed your advice...deep breath and it can wait!

      Hugs to you:)
