
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Random Musings on the Lake and a Foiled Plan

We spent another Sunday together on the lake, a different lake than last week though.  It was quiet, little to no cell phone service so I spent the better part of the morning literally writing a blog entry, like with pen and paper.

Of course, our fishing adventure started the way every one of them does...with me like the little kid needing to use the bathroom not long after getting on the water.  He always grumbles like a grouchy bear but ultimately finds a spot for me to get out and take care of business.  I am proud of myself today though...finally figured out a way to hang off the back of the boat:)  We both got a good laugh out of that one!

And can someone please tell me why I get so darn hungry when we are out here?!  It's only 11:00 and I have already devoured all my food.

Just now, as the sun begins peeking out from the clouds, a beautiful heron flies gracefully overhead.  Is it a coincidence that "Heron" is Daddy's chosen nickname?  I think not! 
With a little music playing on my phone, I lay back and soak in the sun and relax, wishing every day could be like this. 

By now, you are reading this probably saying to yourself, "ok, this is all fine and good but where is the kinky adventure like you wrote about last week?"

Well, it kinda goes like this.  A cop got on the water at the same time as us this morning and keeps randomly popping up.  The lake we are on isn't very big and there aren't really any hiding places.  I know Daddy had a plan but for seems I am safe!

However, in tribute to the July 4th weekend, I did manage to get a picture of today's boating attire.

1 comment:

  1. Damn cops, always getting in the way. :)
