
Monday, August 25, 2014


My tension had been mounting for a good couple weeks. Not surprising...but before leaving for our weekend, I had been on orgasm restriction yet again.  This time with explicit instructions to bring myself to the edge a total of 100 times during the last week before we were scheduled to leave.  I had dutifully completed this assignment, but found myself none too happy out it once I got past about 50. 

I was damn near a wreck.  It had been a terribly stressful couple weeks at work and I felt horrible, completely worn down, sick to my stomach, and every day battled horrible headaches.

It could have been that I really was fighting some type of illness, but oddly enough, I felt great once all the spankings and sex began.

Most likely, I just needed to recoup and recharge my batteries but I teased Daddy claiming that it must have been all the toxins building up in my body.  Seems like a rational explanation, right?

Anyways, Friday arrived and even though we were worried the little one's illness might throw a monkey wrench into the plans, she seemed a little better, so we decided to make a go of it and started packing.  I sat on the bed, almost in a stunned silence as I watched Him pack almost our entire arsenal of "stuff" into bag after bag. We were only going for less than 48 hours!

"Holy cow, what have I gotten myself into!?" went through my head more than once. 

We finally managed to get everything situated on the home front and set out on our drive to the mountains.  It was only about an hour away, but since neither of us felt that great, it was a pretty quiet ride.

As we turned onto the small gravel path, we were greeted by the cutest cabin nestled amongst the trees. 

We couldn't wait to get out and take a look around the place, not even bothering to unload the car just yet. We walked up to the porch and could hear faint music playing.  The key was in a lock box by the front door, so we retrieved it and into a perfectly romantic lit living room and music already playing in anticipation of our arrival.

It was like stepping into another where nothing else mattered except the two of us.   

After we took a quick tour and unloaded the car, Daddy turned to me and said "Alright, you need to take off all your clothes.  In fact, from this point forward, as long as you are inside this cabin, you are to be naked".

And with that, I stood in front of Him, removed all my clothes, and...


  1. Sounds like a paradise for you both!
    XOXO Pearl

    1. It was a wonderful getaway!! We all live crazy and busy lives, but no matter what, I really feel like it so important to do this for each other.


  2. I'm glad it all worked out. Oh, and your writing skills are impressive.

    1. Awww...thank you for your compliment!! I actually have to give Heron alot of the credit for the development of my writing. He is such a good writer and constantly encouraged me to become better:)

  3. So happy out all worked out. Sounds like a great weekend!

    1. Thank HS! I am so thankful it worked out too. It was just what we needed!

  4. Sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend. I can't wait to hear more. If those pictures are of the actual cabin you stayed in, it looks very familiar to me. May I ask, was it in the mountains of Arizona? What a coincidence if it were. If it were, wouldn't it be fun to know that less that 1/2 a mile away there is a couple doing the exact same thing, except for it is the husband that is required to be naked and is taking the spankings.

    1. Thank you sub hub for your comment! We did have a great time. That was the actual cabin but no, sadly we were not in Arizona. We are clear on the opposite side of the country. I bet it is gorgeous out in your area though!! I bet more people than we think are out there getting their spank on...;-)

  5. So jealous! I'm glad you got to go though! :)

    1. I know as a parent how hard it is to get away but one thing we are finally learning just have to make it happen!!
