
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Last Ten

Since today was election day, the kids were out of school. Naturally, that meant their friends had to sleep over last night.   Apparently, it was shaping up to be another night of no privacy for Heron and I, but it's that time of month for me anyways. 

Well at about 9:00, my younger daughter and all her friends decided they wanted big sister to take them to the ice cream shop down the road.  Cold as it's been, beats the hell out me why they would want to do that, but who's complaining?  It got them out of the house for a little bit. 

Heron wasted no time in sending me to fetch two very specific dildos and while He sat in front of the TV in our bedroom blasting heads off zombies, I was to kneel down beside His chair with the dildos upright on the floor and practice my oral techniques.  While humiliating on so many levels, I did as He requested and was excited when He released me to get my Hitachi.     

Now, as He continued playing His game, I was given permission to pleasure myself.  Before even the last spasm of my orgasm shook through my body, He insisted "Again".  The second one took a little longer but was even more powerful than the first.  Feeling perfectly relaxed and content, I would have been happy to stop at this point, but then He told me to continue until He said otherwise. 

I will admit, multiples never happen for me without the Hitachi.  But even still, I have to stop for a few minutes in between each otherwise I get completely over-stimulated.  That damn thing is one of God's gift to women I tell you.  Unless of course you are being tortured with it.  LOL

After about 30 minutes or so, the kids got back home and by that time, I was up to 5.  I thought that was pretty impressive considering how difficult it was to concentrate with the sound of guns blasting and zombie slaying happening only a few feet away.   

Obviously, now that the kids were back home, private time was over so after turning the game off, He leaned over me and asked me had I gotten to ten yet.   

Starting to get up from the floor, I told Him I had gotten to five.  He opened our bedroom door, turned the handle so it would be locked and told me I owed Him ten. 

I tried to question thinking He meant I owed Him a total of ten. But no, He clearly meant an additional ten.  Any meager efforts to protest fell on deaf ears as He left the room telling me to come get Him when I was finished. 

Normally, I might rush to judgement and feel a bit put off thinking that He was just leaving me to entertain myself so that He didn't have to.  But I understood His intention with leaving and that was to make sure the kids stayed away. 

Now, I'm certainly not going to complain because 15 orgasms is absolutely better than NONE and I am smart enough to know where complaining will get me.  And I do really love my Hitachi

But in all honesty, I would take one orgasm with Him over 15 with the Hitachi, any day.  

In the end, it took almost an additional hour to finish the last ten I owed Him and I was a bit embarrassed when He came in the room and looked over at the pile of soaked towels...because that's something else only the Hitachi can do!

Was there a coherent thought left in my head?

Um, not a chance!!   

And even if I had wanted to be upset for how bad my neck and arm were cramping, I didn't have one ounce of energy to care about anything except maybe falling flat on my face and going to sleep.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I am thankful for his generosity but I still haven't quite recovered...LOL!

  2. Nice of you to share...go Wonder Woman :)

    1. Thought you might like the whole story!

    2. I absolutely did. Sounds like based on the intensity, you've had your workout for the week...but a great way to work up a sweat.

    3. That is no joke I must be getting too old for this because I have flat been exhausted since then. Can't seem to recover!

    4. You are never too old for some good healthy fun :)

  3. 'But in all honesty, I would take one orgasm with Him over 15 with the Hitachi, any day.'

    i couldn't agree more (except in this house it's my fingers, we don't have a hitachi). I really do not enjoy being sent off to masturbate and cum. I mean sure, orgasms are great, but he's making me do it a fair bit at the mo and *sigh* i kinda hate it. Still, it's what he wants, so...

    1. It is what they want. I try to keep that in mind, doesn't make it any easier though. It's so easy for me to start thinking "oh, he doesn't want me...that's why he's making me do this". But he assures me that isn't the case. He does it because he can and because it pleases him, which I assume is the case for you as well. Sorry you are going through the same thing.

      Hugs to you:)

    2. I think part of it is them knowing we are touching ourselves, exploring ourselves and giving them our orgasms.

      It's hard at times to not feel that maybe they don't want us but in reality they want us to connect with them in a way that is still very "taboo" if you think about it.

    3. i don't mind half as much doing it in front of him, it's when he's not there but I have to do it that I generally don't like unless I'm really really desperate and then it's just about worth it.

      the problem is he's spoilt me - anything he does to me is a hundred times better, more exciting and more arousing than anything I can do to myself, even when it's the same act and even with my inexhaustible imagination!

    4. That's true HS. It is still somewhat very taboo. Men also tend to be visual creatures so perhaps seeing us touch ourselves or having that image in their mind even if they aren't there, is erotic and stimulating for them.

    5. Kitten, oh...i get that! For me, its the emotional and physical connection I crave. Just "getting off" isn't nearly as fun:)

  4. I think him making you do what he wants shows he wants you and wants you to be submissive to him..



    1. I really appreciate your perspective particularly as its from the D side. There is mire than one way to express your desire. I need to keep that in mind! Thank you:)

  5. Well done! I'm multi organic but your's was quite the feat! I'm with you or the source of the orgasms. I would take one with him over an endless amount alone!

    1. Thanks Betsy! Sometimes when He gives me such a high number to achieve, I get stressed and it makes it that much harder.

      Glad to hear I am not the only one that would forgo so many alone. It's just not the same at all! But I'm careful not to complain or I might find myself getting none at all:)

  6. Oh my little girl. I can do the multiple orgasm thing but not that many and certainly not at my own hand. You must have been totally exhausted. You are a trooper.

    1. Oh my took me the whole week to recover I think! For me, after a couple of orgasms, it stops being fun. Then it is merely a battle of will.
