
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Who Complains about Such Things?

I started this post a few weeks back and never quite got around to finishing it.  No time better than the present since I'm not getting any relief right now.  He sure knows how to keep me guessing and I have always said He is a man of extremes.  And in this case, either he's giving more than I can handle (many times by my own hand) or none at all!!  sigh

So several weeks ago, this was one of my assignments...

Five orgasms before Daddy gets home from work.

Well this is no easy task given that I get home from work only about an hour before He does and I'm typically busy cooking dinner.  But this particular day, the kids were out, so I thought maybe I stood a chance.  That is until I walked in the house to find my mother anxiously awaiting my attention like one of the children. Eventually, I faked a headache so that I could disappear upstairs  Really, in my own home as a middle aged's quite ridiculous that I have to lie to my mother to get some privacy. 

Not long after getting started, with only one orgasm under my belt, my phone rang.  The youngest was ready to be picked up.  Dammit! I quickly squeezed in one more before running out of the house.  After getting back, I set her to task working on homework and ran upstairs grabbing the hitachi and dildo and managed to squeak out number three just after I heard the garage door go up, signaling that Daddy had just arrived home from work.


I tried to explain that I just ran out of time.  He wasn't pleased but He understood.

So let's fast forward to the next day's assignment...

Five orgasms before Daddy gets home from work plus the two I owe from the day before.     

Without me having to say a word, He was already sensing my resistance or at least that's what He interpreted it to be.

You are the only person I know that would complain about cumming TOO much!

It's not that I was complaining.  But I thought He understood about the two from the day before.  Apparently, I should have asked to complete the assignment later, maybe after everyone went to bed.  Urgg...I thought about that...really I did but wrongly assumed that I wouldn't be granted that opportunity.

And what I was feeling wasn't so much resistance as it was frustration.  Sometimes I start to feel put off, like maybe He doesn't desire me.  I know with out a doubt this isn't the case and am reminded of it all the time, but when I'm really tired or my emotions start getting the better of me, that's just the direction my mind goes.  On top of that, if I couldn't do it five times the previous day, why did He think I could do it seven today?

And let's not forget to mention that it's just plain aggravating when there are people I have to dodge and other responsibilities pulling me in different directions.  

But despite my own issues, I came home and got to business, resolved to not let Daddy down this time.  And luckily, the kids were occupied.  It took every bit of an hour but this time when I heard the garage door go up, it pushed me over the edge of my seventh and final orgasm.


But little did I know, that was not all He had planned for me that night.... 




  1. Orgasming under pressure - that is a challenge - how do you get the right mood?
    You left us with a cliffhanger!

  2. It doesn't work every time but most of the time knowing I'm being made to do it is mood enough:)

  3. I always have a hard time with orgasm under pressure. Tonight, I'm permitted to have them between 5:08 and 9:45. He added "if you can". Aargh. It is now set that I'll barely be able to have 1 as I'm under pressure.

    Glad you got all 7 done.

    1. 5:08 to 9:45...any reason specifically for those times?

      You'll be fine. Just relax and tell yourself that they are for him. And that even though he isn't there with you, he is taking them from you. Have fun:) This is where the hitachi would come in very handy!!

    2. He'll be in the air during that time. He appears to enjoy giving me cum allowances during his flights.

  4. I don't know if it easier for girl subs than boy subs, but when Mistress K. gave me an assignment at almost midnight on a Friday night, that was to accomplish five full orgasms over the weekend (all of them supervised by her), I told her that she might as well get the punishment for it out of the way because there was no way that was going to happen. Somehow ... it did. One of the greatest weekend I have ever had.

    1. Haha...I have felt that way too:) Just go ahead and punish me...cause it ain't happening!

      So glad you were able to enjoy such a generous weekend!! And I do think it is harder for men in general than women so kuddos to you.

  5. Hmmm, this is something Michael has never required of me. I wonder though, he's away so much, if this would be a good submission exercise. I'm not sure it's something I want to mention to him though. I can't imagine trying to have so many in such a short time!

    1. Hi Grace! I know what you mean... sometimes mentioning things can come back to haunt. I've learned to leave well enough alone...most of the time:)


  6. Oh my, I just couldn't do it, no way no how. You my dear are a rock star!!!!

  7. You are a rock star...but you and Heron already knew that. Happy holidays!! - AAF4Us

    1. Thank you so much AAF4Us!! I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday:)
