
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Super-Ninja Bra Skills

No Bra Day' 2013 Prompts Women To Celebrate On Twitter

I'm not really sure if I have mentioned this in any of my recent posts but expectations have changed in the last few months about my wearing of the good ole' over-the-shoulder- boulder-holder. 

After what seemed like a year of not being allowed to wear a brassiere (not ever), I began to get pretty sad staring at all my beautiful bras sitting lifeless in the drawer.  I talked to Daddy one day and asked about the possibility of wearing my bras on occasion, not just because my bras were beautiful and I didn't want them to go to waste, but also because my tits were really starting to hurt.  An unfortunate side effect of the boob job (along with the ridiculously over-sensitive nipples).  Anyways, if they go unsupported for too long, they get pretty uncomfortable.  It was to the point that I wasn't wearing a bra during the day but I was having to wear a sports bra at night to alleviate the pain.

What Daddy decided is that I could wear a bra anytime except for when I'm around Him.  So whether it be when He gets home from work, whether we go shopping or out to lunch together, or whether we're just hanging around the's no bra.

Otherwise, I am free to strap em up! Unless of course, He gives me special instruction to the contrary.

Let me just say, this has made me quite the super-ninja bra stripper.  I can get that puppy off no matter what I'm wearing. 

And you wouldn't believe how fast that thing comes off while I'm cooking dinner, when I hear that garage door go up.

On my way to meet Him at the office...I can get it off at a stop light.

He's calls to say He's picking me up for lunch...I can get it off sitting right at my desk. 

Now, if I could just figure out some super ninja skill to get the damn thing back on!!


  1. Lol! It pays to be quick (especially at a stop light)!

    You could be super-duper ninja like with a strapless :)

    1. Oh, that's a good idea!! Didn't think of strapless! Thanks Misty:)

  2. lol - Funny how they come off so much easier than they go on!

  3. Congrats on how quick you can get it off. That must make you feel submissive. But it is nice that he is letting you wear one for support when he isn't around.


    1. Hi FD! Yes, it was very nice of him to adjust his expectations. Maybe this seems odd but I seem to find that the physical act of removing it when I'm going to be in his presence, reinforces my submission more than not wearing it at all.

  4. That's so funny. You remind of me before my boob job - reduction that is. I was so uncomfortable with the two extra cantaloupes I was carrying around and my bra straps digging into my shoulders, I couldn't wait to get home and rip off that bra. Through the sleeves is the best way. :-)

    1. That's exactly what I do!! Sometimes, I get the straps off through my sleeves and then pull the bra out the bottom of my shirt. Everything I own is going to be all stretched out.LOL!
