
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Vegas Baby!!


Today, I am going interrupt our regularly scheduled broadcast. For those of you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for installment 3 from my Saturday exploits...I apologize for making you wait. 

Awww...what am I saying?  A little suspense never hurt anyone:)

So, this year, Heron and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary.  Who would have thunk it?

Well, not even me if you had asked about 15 years ago. Whew...those early years were rough!! 

During the 22 years we have been together, we have seen some of the happiest times in our life and faced some of the worst.  But we've done it together and I couldn't imagine facing life with anyone else in this whole world.

Ok...sorry to get all side tracked with the mush.  It is close to Valentine's after all.

We are hoping to plan our adult only anniversary trip to Sin City, possibly this summer!!  As we have never been to Vegas before, we've already done a bit of research but I was hoping to maybe get a little advice from you all, my lovely readers.

And while we aren't much for gambling, I hear there is still plenty to see and do (besides me of course-haha)

So what do you say?  Any recommendations on where to stay? Good restaurants? Things to do (kinky or not kinky)?


  1. LG that is so fantastic. I wish we had done something like that for our 25th a few years ago. Time was not great so we spent a few days at a B&B up north. It was sweet. I'm sure you two will have a great time. I hear there's a lot of kink out in Vegas and remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas - of course unless you decide to share it with all of us in blog land. :-) Happy planning.

  2. A B&B doesn't sound too bad either but you's never to late to plan another trip. Sounds like something to think about for your 30th!!

    By the way, have a Happy Valentines:)
