
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Let 'Em Think It

I don't know about you but nothing frustrates me more than car problems. Having safe and reliable cars is definitely a priority in our house.

In my last post, I mentioned that I had spent the better part of Saturday getting my car serviced.  Well, four hours and $500 later, I left...only to get in my car Monday morning and realize my headlight had still not been fixed.

This wouldn't normally fire me up like it did but it was the second time this particular dealership had not corrected an issue on my first visit.  I had several other things done, but really, how how hard was it really to fix a headlight?

Made me question the quality of their work all the way around.

So, I got to work with my one eyed car and called the dealership as soon as they opened.  I asked for a manager right away.  Well, the lady put me through to a voicemail box that was full.  Couldn't even leave a message.  

It's been a long time since I've blown a gasket but that really put my on the brink.  After hanging up and dialing back, I told her to put me through to a person this time.

Well, long story short, after getting off the phone with the service manager, he sent his top guy to my office and replaced not just a headlamp but the whole darn light assembly.  Right my parking lot. And he showed me proof that the other work had actually been done. 

Wouldn't you believe it was the office talk for the day!

My secretary told me that she had overheard me on the phone and thought I was being nicer than was deserved and certainly nicer than she would have been.  She described my conversation as "professionally mean". 

"Professionally mean"...actually I kind of like that.  I would assume that falls within Heron's expectations of my behavior.  Didn't raise my voice...didn't curse.  Just simply told them what I thought of their service and in no uncertain words described exactly how I wanted the problem resolved. 

None of my other employees could figure out what I must have said to elicit such a response.  I overheard comments like..."oh, I wouldn't want to make her mad".  But the best one was "she must give her husband hell". Pretty funny, I thought. I'll just let them keep thinking that. But if they only knew!!

Just too funny not not share...


  1. Love it ! I just love it that you are the boss at work! I know the feeling well ....... Big shot tough-guy boss during the day, kept-naked man-slave at night. You're right ... if they only knew!

    1. Hi sub hub! It is nice having that dirty little secret...isn't it?!

  2. You go girl. I'm gonna remember that "professionally mean." I like it. You'd think in this day and age mechanics would stop trying to screw women.

    1. Well, I assure you, if was ever going to take my car back there, they wouldn't try it again. But I have no intentions. I'll go to a different dealership for the warranty work. I just hope they aren't just as bad.


  3. love this!!!! In another lifetime I was in car sales...soooooo loved when it was expected that I was just another uneducated "skirt" and proved them wrong! All in smirking kindness! ....

    1. Oh that is awesome!! No offense against people in car sales but that whole process is intimidating. I always feel like I came out with a pretty good deal, but who knows really. Sounds like I need to get some pointers from you:)


  4. Professionally mean - love the expression!

    1. Oh yeah, as well as ceiling fan, which has now been cleaned, you've reminded me to get my car serviced, the reminder is here... somewhere.... on my messy desk. :)

    2. Glad I could help Df'j

      Now you've prompted me to clean off my desk. Lol
