
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Cured of "Giddy"

"I'm so giddy today"...that's how my last post ended, right?!

That was early in the day Friday.  Well, by the end of Friday...I was anything but giddy!

The evening started off fun and innocently enough.  It all began with an impromptu photo session which lead to my new profile photo and this...

Then, we unexpectedly had the house to ourselves and He pulled out some other really fun stuff.

Rope, Candle wax, Hitachi, Fucking machine...

Which led to this...

However, several hours and fifteen orgasms later, it ceased to be fun.  It became sheer torture my friends!  Oh...let's not forget the plastic clothespins (which had to have been made by the devil himself by the way!)

Several times, I found myself caught somewhere between laughing, crying, and begging Him to stop.  My delirious pleas only served to feed the sadist.  Oh, the sadist was thoroughly enjoying inflicting a whole different type of pain.  But He was kind enough at one point to give me a choice...continue until I reached the fifteen orgasms He expected or suck his cock to completion twice.

Guess I failed to see that there really wasn't a choice after all because somehow I ended up doing both anyways.

You know it's bad when your body is so exhausted you can't sleep, every muscle in your body is twitching and you are already so sore you can't get comfortable.  All day Saturday,  I walked around in an absolute daze.  It felt like I had been hit by a truck and then it backed up and rolled over me again!  Ok...that's a bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean. 

He did get a good laugh though when I finally admitted Saturday night that I was hiding from Him and hoping He might forget me and my holes even existed.  No. Such. Luck!     


  1. My goodness, that really was some night. I chuckled as I read this and then felt bad about how exhausted you must have been when all was said and done. Hopefully you'll sleep tonight. Hugs.

    1. Oh and the pics are great.

    2. It was a crazy night! I still haven't completely recovered. LOL

      Hugs to you xx

  2. You are _Heron's_ canvas ! - AAFun4Us

    1. Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you've been!

      And yes, that's a lovely observation. Hopefully I am quoting Him correctly... "I paint the only way I know how" :)

  3. Both of you take such good pictures!

    I have to say, I'm jealous of the wax...much better than vomit. Lol.

    1. Awww...thanks Misty! And yes...I'd take wax over throw up any day. Lol As if we don't deal with enough puke between kids and dogs:)

    2. Although Misty, I was super impressed that yours didn't miss a beat. He kept on using you for what he wanted and that was pretty hot!

    3. You and me both! I was shocked, lol.

    4. I can't believe you two carried on a IPHJ club meeting here without me!

      The nerve!

      Oh, and holy shit you are beautiful lg, the wax and the g-string in the shoe photo are totally hot!! Absolutely HOT!

    5. Lol! had me cracking up when I read this! I assure you, we had this meeting before the club was official. Lol:)

      And I'm blushing! Thank you for the compliments. You made my morning!!


  4. Unfortunate my computer has been down for awhile. So my visiting has been hit and miss. But I'm happy I visited you today. Very sexy images to go with a sexy day. :)


    1. 1ManView, so sorry to hear you are having computer issue. That is truly one of the most frustrating things!! But I am so glad you were able to stop by and put a smile on my face first thing this morning. That you for such a lovely compliment:)

    2. Oh gosh..darn phone. Thank you not that you. :)
