
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Room Full of Secrets

Do you ever find yourself in a situation and wonder if you unintentionally give off a vibe that may give away your "secret'?  

Sitting in a conference room the other day for a meeting of upper management and department managers, I looked around the room and thought about the fact that out of the twelve or so people around the table, I was the only female.  Yes, I work in a very male dominated field but I don't mind at all.  I've always worked very well with men.  

Thankfully, I am well respected not just for being good at what I do, but also for being confident and assertive, without being aggressive.   

But people sense things...we all do. It's just human nature to observe peoples quirks or demeanor and make certain assumptions. 

So, in this meeting of all men except myself, I found myself wondering if any of them pick up on my "secret".  Particularly the men that may be naturally more dominant.   

Would love to hear thoughts from both submissives and dominants on this.   


  1. What a great question. Actually, I don't think they do. I think that there is so much misinformation out there about TTWD that men in suits look at women in suits (management/control) as not being submissive. Instead they would rather set their sights on their secretaries and other subordinate staff as being submissive, especially when they are looking to cheat on their wives. Ok I know I got a bit sidetracked but I watched this play out over and over at one of the last very large companies I worked for.

    1. You know I never really thought about it that way, K. But it totally makes sense!

  2. I have to kind of agree with K in New England. I don't think people pick up on it either, unless of course the vibe that is given off is reasonably obvious. In every aspect of my life (except for the glorious existence that is my submissive role in my marriage) in a uber dominant. I am the boss. I am the guy that people look to when they need direction in their jobs and even in their lives. I also the guy that is all to happy to be a source of strength, comfort and leadership to these people when the opportunity presents itself. There have been occasions that some these people actually do give off a vibe of submissiveness, even overt sexual submissiveness, but those instances have been limited to the group of people that would otherwise be placed in a "submissive category" in their normal course of their lives. At least by outward appearances. We all know that people are not always what they seem. My Mistress Wife and I are perfect examples of that.

    That being said, I do often wonder about who those people are that could be something they don't seem to be. My Wife and I were at big function at our kids school. There were thousands of people there, including most of the parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles of the kids that go to the school. At one point, I leaned over to Mistress and asked her if she thought that I was the only one required to wear a cock ring (or some other symbol of sexual submission) among this group of people. She looked at me with her angel eyes, kissed me and said, "don't be silly pet, off there are others".

    Great post !!

    1. Thank you so much for your insight sub hub. What you and K said makes complete sense and I hadn't really looked at it like that. I am very much like you...I am the person people look to when they need direction both at work and at home.

      What a sweet moment to share with Mistress K. And I wholeheartedly agree with her response. I'm sure there are others:)

  3. There are certain come backs by one director, who i work closely with, that makes me wonder if he knows my secret.

    I love having me little secret and wonder about others.

    1. I had one of my female employees a while back (we didn't get along so well to start with) jokingly asked if we needed a "safe word". I hope I was able to contain my shock!!

      I wonder about others too. It's a fun little game:)

      hugs xx

    2. Sweetie she probably wasn't joking and was implying that she needed a safe word because YOU were dominating her. Hahahaaaaa

    3. Bahaha....that is a really good point! I had lost my cool:)

  4. I said a smartass comment to that director. He grabbed the ruler and smacked against his hand and gave me a look. I said, "no comment" and walked out. Haha

    1. OMG!! That is so funny. LOL I would have had to do the same or risked saying something that really would have gotten me in trouble:)

  5. I think anyone kinky (or that has a dirty mind) wonders if others are the same, and maybe sometimes things you do makes others wonder, but I think part of the fun is never actually knowing, which lets the imagination run. Lol.

    Hope you are doing well. I noticed you haven't been around...

    1. Hey Misty!! Good to hear from you. And I think because it's on our minds so much, it just makes sense that we would be hyper-aware of things said or done around us.

