
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Shoot for the Moon

What a crazy whirlwind of activity this week and weekend has been.  One child graduating from elementary school, the other celebrating the huge milestone event of high school graduation.

I've been both looking forward to and dreading the end of this school year since it started because I'm constantly left wondering "where does the time go?"   

Several times this week, I found myself on the brink of tears...looking through old photos with Heron, flashing through the different memories in my head while driving down the road, standing in the bakery ordering her cake, seeing her name in print on the graduation program. 

Our oldest daughter...she makes me so proud to see how much she has already accomplished and what a close relationship her and I have.  But most of all, I am excited to see what else life has in store for her...and us! 

The only dark spot in the day was a huge hole in my heart knowing that this was a day, among many others, that my sister would never have wanted to miss.  

But looking around as the party was coming to a close, I took a moment to just to appreciate celebrating with so many people I love and having all three of our children (and a daughter-in-law) under the same roof for the weekend...and I realized just how blessed I truly am.


  1. Beautiful. Such special memories you will treasure for ever. Hugs.

    1. Thank you K! They do drive me crazy at times...but wouldn't trade it for anything!

  2. congratulations to you all! Sounds like a wonderful weekend! So glad you got to spend time and make memories with your children!

    1. Thank you slave guenivere! It is not often now that the older one is grown and gone and living his own life that we have all three together but it life, but it is really special times for all of we we are reunited. The girls to have their brother around:)

  3. Congratulations and a job well done Mama! Our children are such an amazing miracle, aren't they?

    1. Thank you sub hub, my friend! And you are absolutely right! They are my little miracles...well not so little anymore but you know what I mean:)

  4. Family, love and memories, is what make life so special....

    Peace, love, and happiness

    1. Thank you 1ManView. Always lovely to see you here. It was a special weekend indeed!
