
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I Might Not Squirt...

But apparently I do fart!

If you aren't picking yourself off the floor from hysterical laughter already, keep reading.

So, it seems I have this problem.  A weird new kink, maybe?  Let's call it self humiliation.

It's happened twice now.  The farting that is, not the squirting. 

Let me back up just a bit.  This phenomenon of squirting is something kind of new to me.  I'm not even sure that I truly understand it and whether it's a real thing is a debate for another post.  All I know is that it has happened on occasion, usually after multiple orgasms with the Hitachi.

Daddy is not a fan so it's not something I ever cared to explore.  But once it started happening, I became pretty self-conscious about it, although I had never even come close to it happening during sex...that is until the other night.  I was laying on my back with the lower portion of my body hanging over the side, massaging my clit and He was standing up thrusting into me.

I felt it starting to happen, just the right angle and the pressure was building. Right as my orgasm started, I just knew there was about to be a flood.  Well, that was right up until...I farted!!  Must have put a little too much pressure into it!  LOL 

We looked at each other in shock and then busted out laughing, squealing about how unattractive "THAT" was.   

So the first time you can shake off and chalk up as just an embarrassing moment.  But takes the cake.

I meet Daddy at His office or lunch.  After we eat, He tells me to lock the door and I can't leave until I make myself cum.  So, I shimmy my skirt up, sit down in one of the chairs and prop my feet up one another chair. 

As I lay my head back and close my eyes, massaging myself, He sits at His desk acting only mildly interested in what I am doing because He is "working".  To make the show a little more exciting, I ask Him for something to use...a pen...something like that.  A good little insertion and something to leave Him with, a nice little reminder of my time there. He throws me a marker from across the desk.

I hear sounds outside His door, the fear of being caught both scary and exciting.  I'm getting closer and closer, finally going over the edge, arching my body in the chair in the throws of my self pleasure. I try to keep from screaming...

And then...<insert loud fart noise>  

Seriously, I almost fell out of the chair laughing so damn hard but WTF?!  Really, what is going on?

Am I trying so hard to squirt (or not to squirt) that the pressure is backing up?

Is it another one of those "you are just getting older" problems?

I mean sure, we get a good laugh at my complete and utter embarrassment but I am going to develop a serious complex...not to mention it ruins a perfectly good orgasm!!


  1. That was way too funny! And honestly just because I also have been in that "situation " where it comes from no where and your like OMG! far as the squirting I am at the point I believe it is just a myth.

    1. Oh my gosh...I am so relieved to know that I am not alone!! Not that I wish that embarrassment on anyone but you know:)

  2. Hi Lg

    Reading this cheered me up and put a smile on my face. Let's face it, farts are just way to funny to be held in no matter what the circumstances. DtBHC

    1. Hi DtBHC! Good to see you here and happy to put a smile on your face:) Hope all is well with you.

  3. Best post EVER!! Hands down!!! Lg- we can post about the craziest shit without so much as a blush in our cheek but talk about a fart and off we go!! Well, being that you brought it up =] I do squirt and yes, I have noticed that when I am particularly out of control (or what the hell else ever!) There has been an occasional fart as well. Mortified and embarrassed was my first reaction- now- not as horrible but I do wonder the same as you if this is my older body finding ways to ruin all my fun?! Seriously, this is the best post and I love you for posting this!!!!

    1. What an awesome comment, Pearl!!!!

      I seriously thought after I posted this that maybe I had gone too far. LOL I am so glad you enjoyed it and I could just hug you right now.

  4. Love it, and way too funny. I needed this humorous post after the day I had today - LOL. Now you will have to start keeping a tally and feel free to share with us.

    1. Some people may like keeping up with my sex tally but I think keeping up a fart tally might be a bit much. LOL!! Glad to put a little humor in your day:)

  5. I almost giggled, little girl. Thanks for your blog. I makes the day a little more fun each time I see a new one.


    1. Glad I could provide a bit of amusement!! And thank you so much for reading and enjoying my blog. It makes it even more worth while knowing that it brightens someone's day:)
