
Ask A Question

Sometimes I get stumped on topics to blog about.  Feel free to suggest one here in the comment box or email me if you would like to do so privately at

Same goes if you have a question! Feel free to ask here or by send me an email. I WI get back to you as quickly as I can.


  1. Hi,
    I'm a long time lurker. I love your blog. It has helped me and my husband get started on our own D/s dynamic. I was just wondering if you would do a post letting us know what happed BEFORE the "Cold Fries and Cum" post. I am curious why you were so hungry and why all the forced orgasms?
    Thanks for your time :)

    1. Hello Diane. I am so glad that you introduced yourself! Thank you for reading my blog and I am humbled that my experiences have helped in your own dynamic. When starting on this journey and beginning a blog, I had hoped that I would be able to help others but never really imagined it happening.

      You know, I had started that post about the before several times and just couldn't make my thoughts come together. Eventually, I just put it on the back burner but now that my words are flowing again, I am going to make that post my goal today:)

      Thank you for the interest and the suggestion!!

  2. Hi again,
    I know I'm a pest but I've been wondering about your fuck machines. Did you guys buy them? Are they homemade? I had not heard of one before I started reading your blog. I was wondering if you would do a post about them?
    Thank you.

    1. You are certainly not a pest! I love getting these ideas! I can work on that post hopefully this weekend:) I know many people make their own but both of ours are purchased.

  3. Hi Little Girl (LG), you prolific blog postings has slowed down dramatically. I have a good new years resolution suggestion for you...:). - aafun4us
