
Sunday, April 21, 2013

OH MY...So much Cock!

I really should be writing the 3rd and last installment of the Interrogation Scene but this post must come first!

Last night started harmless enough.  My Saturday morning blowjob rule had to be pushed off because of too much going on around the house.  Finally about 11:30 last night, I was able to tend to Master.  It was late, so it was a good but normal blowjob.  He came in my mouth somewhere around 12:00 and I thought we would be ready for bed. 

Then he says, I want you to fall asleep with my cock in your mouth.  What?  I am thinking that sounds pretty uncomfortable but, hey, I am willing to give it a try.  Let me just say...that is not easy but as I lay there just lightly holding the head of His cock in mouth, I find myself oddly aroused.  Let's face it though, my orgasms have been so restricted for so long, if he just looks at me, my pussy starts to pulsate with desire.  Anyways, I squirm around trying to get comfortable.  My jaw already neck aching from being shoulder spasming from laying on it so long.  But somewhere around 1:00, I must have happily drifted off for a few minutes.  I woke just a little while later, dick still in mouth, thinking my Master was asleep.  I sat up, tried to stretch out my stiff body and laid back on my pillow.  OH...that was a MISTAKE...He was not asleep!

I hear, "Did I tell you to move? Get back down there!".  So I comply, not very happily I will admit so I ask Him is there any point that I can get up.  There it is...MISTAKE #2.  My mistakes tend to come in!  I will eventually learn to completely shut my mouth, I hope.  He orders me to lay down on my stomach between His legs, clasp my arms behind my back, and start bobbing.  I cannot describe to you how much I hate this position so He typically reserves it for punishment.  If you haven't tried it, it is extremely taxing on your neck and back.  Again, I find myself squirming and moaning in discomfort which only causes Him to get angier with me.  He tells me I am failing Him in every way possible, which hurts to hear.  I never want Him to be disappointed in me so I just stopped fighting it.  I focus on calming my mind and relaxing my body.  It's amazing how my bodily discomfort eases.  Now I am soley focused on His cock, His pleasure, and continuing to minute at a time.  There were times, I could feel my neck start to give out but I continued to push through it.  Somewhere around 2:00, He shot his cum in my mouth for the second time in one night.

Well over 2 hours of His cock in my mouth.  One thing is for sure, next time 30 minutes won't seem so long:)

He expected that I would fail, but was so impressed that I didn't.  I may be exhausted today but am proud of myself for rising to the challenge. 


  1. You should learn better than to disobey! I guess we all learn the hard way (pun intended!).
