
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Begging for Cock or Cum

I was recently asked about begging and will certainly not claim to be an expert but I have learned a few things.  First, it is not my favorite submissive activity!  However, it is a necessary part so I might as well embrace it...right?  I find as I get better at it, I don't mind it so much.  But I was truly lost the first time He asked me to beg for his come.      

Begging is not something that comes naturally for a lot of people and it certainly didn't for me. I am very prideful but pride wasn't what made me uncomfortable.  I had no idea how to beg or what to beg for.  The only thing I could think to say was "I want your come so bad...please let me have it...I will do anything!"  Those were the words coming out of my mouth and my mind was saying please just let this end soon.

After that first time, I knew Master was a little disappointed and told me we had lot of work to do.  So when the next opportunity for begging came around, I stopped Him and said, "I really do not know what I am doing.  Can you please teach me?".  I was scared at first that He would be upset with me for stopping the flow of things but to my surprise, He seemed pleased with me for opening up and being honest.  With communication and direction, my Master showed me exactly what kind of begging He needed and expected.

First, it was not appropriate to beg in terms of my wantsIt's not..."I want your come".  It's..."I NEED your come" or "NEED your cock in my mouth" or whatever else it is that I was begging for.     

Next was a little harder and where my pride got in the way a little.  It was not easy learning to completely defile myself verbally.  Instead of using "I", He taught me to use terms like "this trailer trash fuck toy" needs your come, "this slutty whore" needs your cock in her mouth, and the list of possibilities can go on and on based on whatever kind of dirty talk your Master desires.  Of course, all of this should be said in the most provocative and husky voice possible but most of all has to be convincing. comes the hardest part...what was I willing to do to get what I needed!  Once I have successfully convinced Master that this His cock or come is what His little slave needs, He will start asking what I am willing to do for it.  Honestly, this part is very tricky and I made several mistakes along the way.  Never...and I do mean never...say "I will do anything".  You might find that "ANYTHING" is not quite what you had in mind:)  Plus, as we beg, our Master is building a mental image and just saying "I will do anything" doesn't really give them anything tangible to visualize.  Also, avoid statements like "I will let you put clamps on my nipples for an hour".  Haha...I was quickly corrected on this one.  Slaves don't...LET...Masters do!  Instead, phrases like "your slave will gladly wear clamps on her nipples" work much better.  Obivously, I use this example because clamps is not something I really enjoy.

I usually know what is working and what isn't as soon as it comes out of my mouth. 
Silence = keep working and come up with something else. 
Hmmm = keep working and I am liking that idea. 
Sometimes I may have to offer several things before being rewarded.  But what I have found what works best for me is knowing and focusing on His deepest desires or offering something that He knows pushes my own boundaries.  The last time I was begging, it was for my own orgasm and believe me I was desperate.  Knowing what would ultimately please Him and would also pretty much push the only boundary I have left, I was eagerly begging to suck the cock of 3 men in one weekend!  Afterwards, I was like...Oh crap!...what have I just done to myself :)
I have learned with Him, begging isn't always about holding me to what I have offered.  It's sometimes just about my ability in the moment to convince Him how far I am willing to go.  Now, that being said, I better be prepared to make good on my promises because I really never know when He will say go do it or when He will just smile and say "we'll save that for later". 

Please feel free to comment and share your experiences with begging!!  What have you begged for?  What types of things do you offer? 




  1. i just learned so much from your post! you just saved me some harsh punishment :) i suck at the begging thing too...i have no idea what to say other than what you said at first and just wishing it would end so i could fucking google it or something. haha! i'll put into practice some of the stuff you said. great post! thanks! :)

    1. There is so much that we can all learn from each other! Glad that my post gave you some ideas:)

  2. Wow, this was really helpful. I never know how to beg either, and had know idea that the way it's phrased makes a difference. ie: "this dirty slut needs" as apposed to "I need".

    1. So glad that it was useful for you! Begging seems to be something difficult for many of us. It helped to just have a few practiced phrases until I got comfortable.

  3. I have learned the hard way not to use "I want such and such.." it's not about me.....I suppose after a few more whips I will learn :/

    1. Hi Ali D! Welcome to my blog:)

      Yes...I am still learning that lesson apparently. Even when I try to approach the discussion from "my needs", I may get my needs met but it's certainly not the way I envisioned.
