
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dildo and Traffic

So, you may be wondering what the two words in the title of this blog post have in common or maybe you already know exactly how this story goes.  Well, if's simple.  It has to do with the task Master assigned for me this week.  Now, let me back up for a minute.

After a weekend of nothing but blowjobs for Master, last night was an amazing night of pleasing and teasing Master with first my mouth, then my pussy.  While having me in down dog position and taking me from behind, I had the pleasure of not only feeling His cock in me but also a dildo in my ass.  Honestly, I can't remember if He has ever done this to me but it was awesome!  You have no idea how those weekend blowjobs have me so fired up, completely swollen and dripping with desire.  Thankfully, He granted me permission to come.  You have no idea how much I have come ( pun intended) to appreciate my orgasms as they are so few are far between right now.  I never thought I would actually thank Him afterwards, but I find the words come very easily now. 

Anyways, after He finished with me, He informs me that I will be back on orgasm restriction the rest of this week...with some caveats.  First, I will in no way have His cock back inside my pussy this week.  If I am lucky, I will have the privledge of having it in my mouth or my ass.  Next, NOTHING (not even my little pinky finger by accident) is to touch my clit, or face my worst punishment yet. 

Here comes the good part.  Each day, I am to drive to work and drive back hom with a dildo inside me.  I am under no circumstances to allow myself an orgasm!  uurrggg...... this is going to be another long week.

So today, I get in my car to go to work.  Pull the dildo I have neatly wrapped in a bag, and insert it and head on my way.  It was a little uncomfortable at first, I think because I was so well used last night.  But honestly, I am barely awake in the mornings until I have had my coffee so it didn't really do much for me one way or the was just there.  I pulled up in the parking lot at work, took it out, put it back in my bag, and cleaned it up in the ladies room. 

Now this afternoon was a little different story.  I pulled out of the parking lot and as I am leaving, realize oops, gotta get the dildo!  At the first stop light, in it goes.  Good thing for the skirt and no panty rule:)  Well now, doesn't this feel pretty good and just the thought of doing something naughty and dirty is exciting!  Really, I surprise myself at the wanton slut I have become.  I made my usual call to Master and told Him how much I was enjoying my ride home and He reminded me not to enjoy it too much.  All the way home, which is usually no less than a 40 minute ride, I had plenty of time to rock back and forth on it just because it felt so good pressed deep inside.  I could even press down harder on the seat to make it go in further and feel the vibrations of the car reverberating inside me.  Of course, then the random thought would cross my mind, "How embarrassing would this be if I was in a car accident".  But I would just go back to distracting myself again with more rocking.  So, for those of you who can't stand being stuck in traffic, maybe a dildo would make it more bearable:)

Oh and one more thing.  Going over the speed bumps in my neighborhood never felt so good!!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds delicious!! I would have a very hard time not coming though, and would probably her into a car accident because of it! Lol
