
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mission Incomplete

Well, I gave it my best but fell short by 9. was just not happening. For one, we were busy taking care stuff around the house.  But mainly, I was so exhausted and sore from overdosing on orgasms yesterday, I could have cared less about another single one today.  Pretty much most of the day...not a tingle...nothing...nada!

After we got home from errands and before we started cooking dinner, He took me upstairs and used my mouth and ass for His own pleasure.  It wasn't until He got what He needed and left me wanting that little miss puss decided to wake up and want some for herself.  Again, Mr. Hitachi saved the day and helped me take care of business twice.  But these were the only two and then she went back into hibernation. 

Admitting that I cannot do something is absolutely the worse for me and as much as I hated to do it, I finally admitted that He was right all along.  I told Him there was no way I could get to 50 before the end of today.  He asked if I could accept that and I wholeheartedly accepted my defeat, fully expecting some form of horrible punishment.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when He explained that there was no punishment for failure in this.  He only intended it to be a challenge! 

For once though, I am not beating myself up for failure.  I know I gave it my all and that's all I can do!



  1. Aw honey I think even the best of us couldn't have risen to that challenge. You gave it your best and hopefully had some fun along the way.

    Now let's have a moment of silence for your Hitachi that I'm sure has gone to vibrator heaven after this week. Lol

    So happy for your bum that there is no punishment. :-)


    1. Thank you for your kind words Bonnie:) And bum us quite happy!

      As for my Hitachi....well that's what I love about him! He just keeps on going..and going....and going...and, well you get the point ;-)

  2. You still get a BIG gold star from me. That's it! Off to to buy a Hitachi.

    1. Thanks Betty! I might actually have time to write that post for you note since I am not spending all my free time playing with myself! Glad you decided to get one. I promise you won't regret it:)

  3. i'm so glad you are not beating yourself up. you definitely did not fail. hugs

    1. Thanks HS:) I think I was too tired by Sunday to give a $&#& about anything much less if I finished or not.

  4. Replies
    1. glad to be done with that one. I said a big Yah! for myself;)

  5. I want to thank all you ladies for inspiring me and helping me along my way. It means so much to know that there are people (a support system) reading and sharing experiences and advice.

    Hugs to you all!

