
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Getting Old Just SUX!

I am traveling for work this week which is very unusual for me.  Tonight I decided to forgo hiding out in my hotel room with fast food and ventured outside my comfort zone. 

As I sit here, alone at the bar, in this restaurant eating my dinner and enjoying a cranberry/vodka, I realize that I am the only one that hasn't been carded by the bartender. 

Damn...even the dude over there with the receeding hairline just got carded! 

This just isn't helping my 40 year old self esteem.

And to think...I was still honest and pointed out that she forgot to charge me for the drink.


  1. I know I haven't seen your face but, damn you have a body you should be very proud of!!! If getting older means I get to have a body like yours then bring it on! ;)

    I say don't give her a good tip, every bar tender should know that women like getting carded (unless their underage).

    1. Awww...thank Misty! And yes...I think every bartender should know that but she was just a young girl. Guess I probably did look older to her.

  2. Amen sista. Last time so got carded made my night! Haha

    1. I used to think it was hilarious to go out with a group of friends and be the only one carded. It's not so funny now that the shoe is on the other!

  3. Had to read this a couple of times before working out what carded means! Nobody carries around ID in this country, so it's not something you get asked to prove, even though bars are entitled to ask.
    At least you've not been called your kid's grandmother by a shop assistant - I was pregnant at the time too! did I feel old that day...

    1. Oh no DF! That story is way worse than being carded.

      Silly shop assistant. I've learned to keep my mouth shut if I am not sure about stuff like that. Too easy to open mouth...insert foot. haha

  4. lol like DelFonte, took me a minute or 2 to get what carded meant

    Been a long time since i have been asked for proof of friend does quite a bit...the bitch lol


  5. Whatever! I too have not seen your face, but from your blog you are HOT. Don't ever judge by your age. FEEL GOOD. I refuse to say I am old until I hit 90. Life and experiences just get better and better (like meeting up with you on line and all the other fun bloggers). Rock on!!

    1. Thanks Betty. That is true. We are only as old as we feel. And we are so much more experienced than those younger chicks out there! haha

      And I have loved meeting you and all the others here:)
