
Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Knock

She climbed on the massage table and laid down on her back, waiting patiently while He tied her arms and legs down securely.  No light could penetrate the double blind fold and every sound in the room became oddly intense. 

However, she just couldn't quite shake the unsettled feeling as several thoughts/questions rolled around in her brain.

"Isn't it odd that I am still somewhat clothed?"

"Who was just on the phone before He walked in?"

"Why the recent discussions about His Changing Needs and expectations for my complete submission?"

"What was meant by the last instruction in The Note?"

"No! It couldn't be...not here...not today!"

She attempted to push those thoughts from her mind, but it was all adding up, and apparently she knows her Master very well. Once He finished tying her down, He leaned over and gently whispered in her ear that there would be someone joining them for a short time today.

Words could not form on her lips.  Her heart raced and the excitement she had felt turned to fear and panic. As she fought the urge to either laugh or cry, He calmly reassured her.  Stroking her arm, He reminded her that He took great care in planning for their safety and privacy, He promised not leave her alone, and she should be free of any burden as this was out of her control.

With several deep breaths and a resolve she didn't realize she had, she slowed her breathing and calmed down by solely focusing on doing what was expected of her.  At that moment, she let go and placed her complete trust in Him.  After all, it wasn't like this was a complete surprise. Her Master had made it clear from the beginnings of their D/s that this boundary would be tested and He has been preparing her in baby steps.

Some may ask "Why?  Why this road?", but not her.

She understands, accepts rather, that this furthers her objectification/humiliation and He knows her better than she knows herself.  Despite anything she may say, ultimately, she will enjoy it. 

Her hesitancy isn't born from fear of serving another or concern that she won't be capable of following through.  She knows all too well that she can and will, and possibly, that's what scares her most.  You see, her pussy and mouth tend to be a bit of a slut with a mind of their own, but that's a part of her past that she locked away a very long time ago...or so she thought.

She is drawn from her thoughts, back into the moment, when she hears a text come in on His phone, quickly followed by a knock at the door.  Any last hope she may have had that this was her Master's greatest mind fuck ever was quickly tossed out the window as she heard His footsteps leave her side and go to answer the door. 

The door opens and closes.  Now, there are in fact two sets of footsteps returning.  This is really happening and she is now completely helpless and on display...    

to be continued





  1. I am BLOWN away!

    I'll be the one over here on the edge of her seat waiting to hear the rest!!

    1. You can imagine how blown away I had to be! I still really can't believe it myself.

      Sorry I am having to keep you in such suspense but there was so much I just can't get it all into one post. Hopefully next part will be tomorrow.

    2. I really can't imagine lol Take your time no need to hurry through it.

      I am excited though :)

  2. Wow! i wrote a bit of fiction along these lines for Him to read but i want it to stay fiction. It's odd...i have no issues with other women, just other men. Can't wait for more!

    1. I have never been with another woman but I'm sure that's coming at some point. Glad you are enjoying!

  3. mixed emotions happened here. i got excited reading, can't wait to find out what happens. on the flip side, i had a huge panic attack. ultimately, Sir would love to bring in a girl to eat me while He face fucks me. Some how, reading this made me extremely nervous and upset....guess it means it's staying as a hard limit..

    1. I wondered how you would feel about it. I read something in one of your posts the other day that eluded to this being a limit for you. I certainly respect you for standing by that and for being able to tell me about your mixed emotions. We have talked about the girl thing as well. Sorry it caused you to have a panic attack but I assure you it all turned out ok.

  4. I can not wait to read the rest. I'm on the edge of my seat!

    1. Thanks! Sorry, you probably sat on the edge of your seat for a while. I didn't get it finished as early as I would have liked.

  5. Beautifully written. Not to mention how f*cking hot this is...

  6. I just found you, through HS, and holy shit am I glad I did. And glad I did after you wrote it I don't have to wait. Ok gotta go finish this HOT story...damn.

    1. I am so glad you found me! Hope you enjoy the rest of the story:)
