
Monday, October 14, 2013

When You Ask For Attention

Last night we made some updates to my rules, I presented my new mantra, and then Master explained a new little "game" that begins tonight.  It's not really a game...I just don't know what else to call it.    

Below is a picture of 3 bags:

Bag 1- contains the 5 slips of paper each labeled with tits, nipples, ass, clit, or pussy

Bag 2- contains 30 slips of paper each labeled with a different spanking implements.

Bag 3- contains slips of paper labeled with numbers (in multiples of 5) between 35 and 100.

Until He tires of this game, each day I will draw one slip from each bag and that will be the "activity of the day". 

Just to clarify, this was NOT really the attention I was hoping for when we talked the other night.  And I really wondering how some of the larger implements are going to actually spank such a small target like a clit. 

Why do Doms have a wonderful way of listening and then coming up with some devious plan to make you wish you had never said anything?

Nevertheless, I really am going to try and keep an open mind and tell myself...this could be fun...this could be fun...

But just in case it's not, wish me luck cause I just might need it! 

UPDATE: Just pulled "Tits" "Coat Hanger" and "80"...yep need luck!


  1. take two on my comment. :) I think you are forgetting what you will receive from this little "game" .... the best connection ever (at least in my eyes) -- aftercare!! this "game" connects Him to you, and aftercare connects you to Him. win win! Sadly, I'll admit, I'll endure more intense play because my aftercare is more intense. yes, I'll say it again, I have a fucked up way of thinking... hope you feel connected when all said and done.

    1. Thanks HS! You do make a good point. I don't think you have a fucked up way of looking at things! The whole reason I endure most of this is to feel closer to's certainly not because I like it all the time or enjoy the pain.

      I just have to get in a little better mind set. I have been having way too much of my own little pity party the last week or so.

  2. 80 swats to the tits with a coat hanger? YIKES~!Let us know when the fun starts...

    1. Yikes is right! I did survive it. He did take it easier on me the last 30.

  3. Well I give him an A for creativity. That game sounds like it could be fun or brutal depending on the draw. Best of luck to you sweetie, your definitely going to need it.


    1. I have quite often said to Him that I don't know where He comes up with this stuff...haha!

  4. Ouch!
    i feel the pain just looking at the words!But what an imagination! ;)

    1. toys felt that pain alright. Lol. Actually it wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. With 80 swats, he was kind enough to hold back a bit on the intensity. Thankfully:)

    2. Haha! Tits not toys...well I guess they could be that too!!

  5. Can't deny your master isn't inventive. I did feel for you at the mention of 30 slips of implements. He could keep this going for days... weeks, trying to work through all of those!
    Here hoping the low numbers get picked for you.

    1. I believe He intends to go through all 30!! I had dreaded the coat hanger more than anything so I am glad that one is already out of the pile.He does take pride in His creativity:)

  6. oh this sounds so much fun, we do a similar type game with die's, i like the unpredictibility of it.

    good luck


    1. Oh...I have heard of that! I admit it was kinda fun despite my reservations. I think He certainly enjoyed it!

  7. Best of luck to that coat hanger...

    1. Well despite the coat hangers best effort, I was able to handle what it dished out with only a little minor bruising to show for it:)
