
Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Good Talk and Renewed Focus

My post yesterday, Changing Needs, created a much needed talk between Master and myself last night while out on our date.  He had read the post and wanted to clarify that He does still enjoy doing all the wonderfully sadistic things to me and assured me that it's been our lack of time and privacy that has put a damper on these things, not a change in how He feels about me or our dynamic.  I have been feeling pretty unwanted lately so hearing this was quite a relief! 

During the discussion, I was able to tell Him (through my tears of course) that even though I work hard to complete all my necessary tasks and duties, I am missing the connection with Him that we once shared, particularly during our training, and feared that our dynamic would begin to crumble if we continued in the same direction.

Despite how difficult it was to talk about this, He agreed that we had probably reached a point where a certain amount of complacency had crept in and He promised that we will find a way to refocus on each other no matter how difficult with the demands of our everyday lives.

So, for starters and not particularly the direction I was expecting, we will be reverting back to a micro-management style of D/s for a while.  Even though I feel I know what needs to be done and how to do it, He firmly believes this will help us both to get back in-tune with each other.   

Also, we are going to sit down and review our existing rules. It's probably time to change things up a little.  Some of them are just really hard to adhere to given the family dynamic.

We talked a bit more about my servicing of others and He understands my concerns and hesitancy.  While it doesn't really change anything, I do trust that He will know if, and when, the time is right for both of us.     

In the midst of conversation, He asked me had I been performing my mantra each morning, which unfortunately, I had to admit that I had fallen off that wagon probably a couple of weeks ago.  He created my mantra last year and while it was quite appropriate at the time, I simply no longer feel a connection to it.  I think I have grown so much in my submission since then and it just doesn't seem to reflect where I am currently.  So, He is giving me an opportunity to create my own which I must present to Him before the end of today. Definitely got to work on that because I don't really have one in mind yet! 

Lastly, we decided to take a day off from work together, not this week but next.  YEAH!!  I am super excited about this.  While driving home from dinner, He drove by a particular hotel and told me to keep that in mind for our day off together. 

Also on our way home, He decided to take a bit of a detour, pulling in behind a closed shopping center and had me get our of the car.  We were like sneaky little teenagers while He had me posing for several topless pictures out in the open.  I haven't downloaded them yet but if any of them turned out good enough, I will maybe post them tomorrow. I have certainly felt the shift in the air.  The day started with an amazing throat-filled cock sucking.  Despite retching all over Him a couple of times, I could feel my own juices dripping down my legs by the time I was done and I was horny as hell.  But after swallowing His load, I was dismissed to go clean all three bathrooms from top to bottom.  So cleaning is how I spent the majority of my day, making sure everything would stand up to the micro-management test.  Not really the type of "connection" I had been hoping for but it certainly reminds me of my status.   



  1. I know what you mean about "connection". When I'm away from my Daddy for to long or if He's really mad at me, everything feels thrown off. You can feel the tension...and its not a good one. Daddy has began to micro- manage me because I asked for it. It feels good knowing that I have to ask for everything...and I mean everything and He gives me daily task that I must do. So far its working.

    Your connection will be back in no time.

    1. That's a good way to describe it...everything feels thrown off. Glad that the micro managing works for you. I don't have to quite ask for everything but I do have daily tasks and rules that he will be looking to see that I follow to a T.

      So glad to see you here and welcome to my blog! Hope you continue to follow and comment:)

  2. so glad i'm not the only one forced to "retch"..... it sounds like a great conversation. one that you really needed. i won't lie, i love car really helps spice things up, etc..... i do hope that you feel that connection in no time.

    1. I am not sure what his fascination with making me gag lately is but he certainly got more than he bargained for this time around...haha!

      After the "game" he introduced me to last night there will certainly be some type of connection coming soon. Can't wait to write about it. I have to admit...I am a little scared!

  3. I can't wait to hear what happens on your day off! That's going to be fun!

    I'm so glad you two had a good talk. Talking really does make all the difference, doesn't it?

    Interesting that you post about retching and that happened to me just this morning (posted a little on it as well).

    1. Oh...I just read your post! That is pretty funny.

      As far as's always good to get things off my chest but tend to find he handles them much differently than I would hope for. As you will see in my next post!

      I am SO looking forward to our day off!!

