
Friday, January 17, 2014

Caught Red Handed

Oh, do I have a funny or maybe not so funny story...depending on how you look at things I guess.  Probably wouldn't win the mother of the year award for this one.  But at the end of the day, my 17 year old and I really couldn't do anything but have a good laugh at my stupidity.

Last night, I sat down and logged into blogger and was thinking about making a post.  My daughter walks up and sits down at the table, apparently wanting to just chit chat.  I close all the tabs I have open and decide that it's probably just not in the cards for me to have a moment to myself. 

While we were talking, something came up about Facebook so we logged on and began Facebook stalking.  Yes...I am ashamed to admit I am somewhat of a stalker!

I am still getting use to my new laptop and some of the weird little nuisances of Windows 8 but the craziest thing happened.  My finger slides across the mouse pad and all of a sudden Facebook was gone and the photos I have saved on my computer begin parading across the screen.

Oh my gosh!  My brain to hand reflexes were on slow motion as I realize which picture is up on the  screen.  By now, my daughter is in full fledge freak out mode, throwing her hands over her face laughing and screaming...Oh my eyes are burning!  Mom...make it stop!!

This was one of the photos from the school girl series that didn't get posted earlier but just happened to be the one she saw. 

In my frantic state, I know I am making things worse trying to figure out how to exit out so I just decide to close the laptop.  Meanwhile, she is still going on and on about how she wants to claw her eyes out of her head.  My face had to be 50 shades of purple!

Of course, Master comes down and wants to know what all the fuss is about.  She can't stop laughing as she explains to Him, "Apparently Mommy got into a lot of trouble at school".

Well, we all got a good little laugh at my expense and I am pretty sure she thinks I am about as crazy as they get.  Thankfully, she has a good sense of humor, an open mind, and could laugh about it.  Hopefully, she won't be too scarred! 


  1. Oh my God, how embarrassing! But I have to admit, I was laughing my ass off. I have two teens so I can totally relate. Let's just say that I learned the hard way to delete naughty pics I send to my hubby as soon as they are sent.

    1. Glad it made you laugh:) I guess at some point we all learn the hard way.

  2. Red faces all around!
    I've learnt the art of the quick tab close.
    Another reason not to get windows 8

  3. Too funny! Someday, she'll look back on this and it will all make sense. Mommy's got a naughty side. ;-)


    1. I think she is starting to see that. She called me out last night for not wearing a bra when Master and I went out to dinner.

    2. She was also quick to point out how her dad really captured my cleavage!

  4. it could have been worse. You could have sent a text to your mother in law that was meant for your husband...

    1. Sounds like that must have happened to you!! Haha..that would be the worst!!

    2. thankfully it was fairly innocuous, just obvious it wasn't for her. I'm lucky in that she deleted it and hasn't mentioned it since!

  5. Here's some irony for you. My computer decided to lock up right as this page, complete with your lovely picture loads. So as i'm trying to unfuck oldest (not quite a teenager) comes walking in behind me. And i've got to close the lid before he gets curious, lol.

    My MacBook has a touchpad that if you swipe with two fingers scrolls up and down, but if you go slightly left to right, it goes back a page. I've had my daughter over my shoulder and had to close things quickly because i've been looking at something x-rated and jumped from FB back to it.

    1. Oh my gosh...that's too funny about your computer locking up. Sorry to almost get YOU caught too!

  6. My printer did this to me once when the young adults we using it. Not of pictures but of lists that i had thought Master might want to try, and some of them were graphic. i thought that i had cancelled it, because it refused to print, but apparently i stored it, so when they came to printing out homework the "list" came up instead. .... try explaining why you want to be caned tied to a tree to a fifteen year old .

    1. Oh my gosh! That is way worse. I don't know that there is any way that can be easily explained. I guess at some point or another, it becomes impossible to hide everything. Something will eventually happen. Good thing kids are resilient!

  7. Some light Fifty reading in your sexy schoolgirl outfit. Luv it. - AAF4Us

    1. Haha!! I was wondering if anyone would catch that? :)
