
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Not What I Expected

Today...a day planned just for us. 
I couldn't wait for some much needed time with Him. 
Oh...He warned there would be "plans" for me!
The house is quiet.
I find myself on my hands and knees crawling on the cold hard wood floor.
Sweat starting to form on my body. 

He is now lying down in the bed.




Not really what you were expecting...huh! 

Me either.

Don't you just love when the best laid plans go out the window?

He wasn't feeling well so I understand but it sure did suck having lost our day.



  1. Man, i was getting all excited, and sleeping. Ahh...Murphy. He's an asshole. So sorry about your plans. That seems to happen to me...a lot. Hopefully your Master feels better and you two find some time together soon.

    1. I know right?! I was all excited too. But that's ok. He made up for it much later that night!

      Murphy is a complete ass...I agree:)

  2. Hugs, Been there so many times, mind you when i am poorly so has Master, its annoying especially when time is precious ( we have an adult son who is special, and so time is very precious to us) , hopefully you will have time together soon and He is soon better.

    1. Thanks Saffy. I guess we all have to take the good times with the not so good times. I do find as we are getting older, I feel like I am becoming more selfish of the time I want with Him.

  3. Ha! I've been there. Its not all fun and games, unfortunately, sometimes real life takes over. Hope soon we will both get that play time that's very much needed. ;-)


    1. P.s. I just noticed your new profile pic. Is that you? Hotness!!

    2. i agree, super hot! If i could manage to keep my kitchen spotless for long enough, i want to do a mini-shoot for Master. i bought a cute little apron too!

    3. Hi Bonnie, actually we did end up getting some much needed play time much later last night. I will have to post about it. It was a long time coming (hehe...literally and figuratively).

      Yes, the pic is me:) Part of this past weeks photo assignment. I plan to do a post on those as well.

    4. Thanks Scarlet! You don't have to clean the whole kitchen...just the corner that you are going to use for the pic:) the apron idea!

  4. Oh...that sucks. Hope your Master feels better.
