
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Code Red

After twenty years together, it has never changed.  THAT one week of every month, I am like a typhoid Mary that must be avoided like the plague.  Well, of course my mouth is of use, but that's about it.

The problem I have is when it ends.  Apparently, we just have a lack of communication in this regard and it seems to create issues just about every month.  I try not to be assuming and announce that it's over (hint...hint...I want some!) but He seems to lose track of time.  Meanwhile, I get my feelings hurt waiting for Him to ask if I am available. 

I have just never understood why this one thing couldn't be simpler. 

Well, Master decided to fix that!  One of the resolutions He gave me this year was to wear something red every day that I am on my cycle.  Not only did I think this was kind of corny at first but it was going to be hard to implement since my wardrobe contains maybe 2 pieces of red clothing.

Looking in my closet...I really do wear too much black! 

While, in the process of debating whether I needed to go shopping to buy a few more red items, I came up with a pretty brilliant idea!  But it had to be alright with Him first. 

Thankfully, He loved the idea. 

This ruby pendant He gave me several years ago!  Not only am I loving this resolution but this is such a lovely little solution to our age old problem! 

He's so smart:)


  1. stop, do not pass go, do not That really is a good idea. I've never had to worry about the end of mine. Master thinks it should last only 3 days so starts asking me on day 3/4 if i'm done yet. No, in 7 years, I've never had a 3 day cycle. Come back on Day 6.

    1. How funny! wonderful if it would only last 3 days:)

  2. Awesome solution. I always just tell Sir. I'm done, how can I serve you. He couldn't get a room fast enough. Lol love the pendant.

    I'm a black clothes girl too. Hate the reason. I think it's anxiety but I cold sweat like no tomorrow. Ugh.

    1. Thanks HS! I don't really have a reason except I just seem drawn to that color.

  3. Wonderful idea and you get to wear a beautiful necklace too.

    1. Thank you DF. I do love it and now the reason behind it:)

  4. that's such a cute idea! and a lovely necklace too, how lovely to able to utilize it in this way.

    The only time I wear knickers to bed is when I'm on, so he soon knows when I've finished because I'll stop wearing knickers again!

    1. thanks kitten. You know, I am so cold natured that this time of the year, I cannot bear to come to bed without clothes:) But that is a great idea too!

    2. Yes I agree with kitten such a cute idea ava x

    3. we are blessed with a reasonably moderate climate - sure we get some frost and maybe a sprinkling of snow in the winter, but nothing the US. Add in proper american quilt he bought me for our wedding anniversary one year and central heating and even winter naked sleeping is possible!

  5. i dont have this problem any more having battle the big "C" and had that part of my body removed , but i can see how this would work, and i think it is excellent as well. That said, Master says i still get the mood swings and the cravings for chocolate and carbs lol
    Hope it continues to work
    saffy x

    1. Oh my gosh saffy! I hate to hear that you had to fight that battle but congrats for beating it!

    2. I had uterus removed, but still go through pms like no tomorrow. Sucks cause I can't ever tell that is what the issue is until it's finished.

  6. That's a really clever idea and what a lovely necklace. Its a win-win!


    1. Thanks bonnie! It is a win win:) I love when it works out so well.

  7. Both are great ideas! But the necklace is just brilliant, such a subtle statement when needed -and it's beautiful too. Since D and i seem to battle against the same kind of issues, this is definitely something we should think about too!

    Great blog, great post -new follower & added to my blogroll.
    Happy belated New Year to you and yours.

    -RR Blondie

    1. Thank you! Glad to hear I am not the only one with this situation.

      Happy New Years to you as well and welcome to my blog:) I am going to hop over to yours if you don't mind.

  8. Very lovely necklace with such meaning now. I no longer have that problem since I don't get it anymore and I don't miss it either. Good riddance!

    1. Not that I am wishing my life away but I will be so happy for the day that it no longer visits.!
