
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Getting Back in the "Swing" of Things

Yesterday, a string of golden balls subtly rocked around inside me all day continually providing that gentle reminder of Master's new expectations.

Since the kids were both out of the house after dinner for about an hour, I decided there was no better time that the present to go ahead and ask for my first "butt warming".

Master was in the office on the computer and I walked in and knelt down beside His chair.  With my head bowed and my arms extended, I offered the chosen implement of destruction.  Not sure why I picked the Dragon Tooth to start with but I was feeling in a stingy kind of mood.  He needed the break away from what He was working on.  He's been so stressed lately...this would do Him as much good as it would me. 

With a grin on His face, He took the Dragon Tooth from my hands we headed off to the bedroom.  It was really cold so He told me I could leave my sweater on, just pull off my pants, and lie face down on the bed with my legs spread as far apart as possible.  It's amazing how quick one can break into a sweat when that first strike makes contact.  I really wished I had taken the sweater off when I had the chance!

Dragon Tooth 
I had been fairly warned that there would be little mercy taken during these spanking sessions so I was second guessing my choice of implement pretty quickly.  Not that any other implement would have necessarily been a "better" option but the dragon tooth is kinda unique in that it will provide both stingy and thuddy depending on what portion of the implement you are using to make contact.  With each slap my feet tried to curl up towards my butt, and I struggled to get into any good space because each time it made contact, it was in a different place, at a different intensity, and varied between the stingy and thuddy.  All it took though was for Him to place his hand on my ankle at one point, and that physical contact with Him was enough to help me calm and center before He resumed.
Being that I haven't had spankings in quite a while, my bum was certainly welted and on fire by the time He finished.  I wanted to just lie there and not move but I was quickly reminded that my task was not quite complete.  Despite barely being able to turn over and put pressure on my very sore flesh, I had no problem tending to my business as He disappeared back to the office.  I think He was surprised at how quickly I came in to let Him know I was done!". 

The rest of the night, all I could think is what the hell am I going to offer for my pussy spanking!?  I can't think of a single implement that I would "like" used down there to that degree.  How much trouble do you think I would get into if I showed up with a feather?  evil grin

All joking aside, I am open to suggestions if you have any... 


  1. That dragon tooth looks positively evil and it gave your bottom a nice rosy glow. That's one implement I would like to try.

    I would go with the crop or a flogger for a pussy spanking although a feather would be heavenly. Good luck with that one.


    1. Bonnie, it is evil but in a good way.

      Crop or flogger....i definitely like the flogger idea. I think our crop is about on it's last leg! Got to remember to get a new one of those!

  2. Those marks are gorgeous. We have a dragon tail that Daddy just got recently and I love it.

    Pussy spanking??? Daddy usually uses his belt or a wooden spoon. Neither would I say are easy on me. He also uses the flogger which is nicer. Good luck!

    1. Now I've got mixed views about the dragon's tail.... there is only one thing to do in those circumstances. Try it :)
      as for the pussy - flogger would be preferable for me.

    2. Thank you P Surren! Now I haven't tried a dragon tail yet other than just feeling one at a demo. I am pretty familiar with the belt and wooden spoon down there and yikes! I do like the idea of the flogger. However, we will be doing this weekly so I guess those other Implements may be inevitable. Don't mind them on my butt though:)

    3. DF, I definitely subscribe to the "you gotta try it" philosophy!
      I think the consensus is flogger so I am going to go with that. I do have a small reprieve though since aunt Flo arrived this morning.

    4. if there was ever a time to be grateful for her arrival, lol

  3. I kinda prefer my small leather paddle on my pussy. i think because it's flat and smooth and covers the whole area evenly. Then again, i've been the one spanking myself so that might change when Master gets home. But i prefer it to the crop, flogger, and wooden spoon, lol. That dragon tooth looks interesting...

    1. Hmmm...don't have a small leather paddle. Oh, wooden spoon down there is not fun particularly when it's super sensitive!

      We bought the dragon tooth at one of the local dungeons here. If He hits me with just the tip, it kinda feels like being snapped with a towel!

  4. i think we need a dragon tooth!!!!! As for the implement for the front, i like our wooden spoon with round holes in it, ( they kind of give it and extra sting sensation), i love the thick cane , and the slipper, ( not so much the jelly sandal that he found though...{that thing should be done under trade descriptions because its no more jelly than a cat is a dog) ) . And so the list goes on, but i guess i just like being tortured there .
    good luck (((hugs))) saffy
    ( but i dont think that i would give him a feather, my One would think of extra painful ways to use it if i did)

    1. Wow! Wooden spoon with holes for the front! I like that if it's just tapping but harder than that....yikes!

      Haha:) love your description of the jelly sandal!

      I do suggest you try the dragon tooth. We bought ours at one of the local dungeons. I believe it was handmade.

    2. Master and i were lucky enough to pick up a red leather hide on a recent trip to a flea market and i have a feeling that we may be creating one ( among other things) He encourages me to create toys to play with. i will have to have a mess about x Thanks for the idea.... although i may live to regret this lol.

    3. I haven't gotten good enough to make my own toys yet. You will have to let me know how it works out;)
