
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

While Away seems like forever since I have had time to write.  It's not that I haven't had anything to say.  Life has actually been pretty full of kinky and not so kinky adventures lately. 

Things got crazier than usual a couple weeks back when I received an unexpected phone call with the potential of a career changing opportunity.  For several days, Master and I talked it over, again and again.  He was extremely supportive but also stood firm.  When it came to my career, this was one decision I would have to make on my own. 

After a whole lot of thought, I was confident in what I was brining to the table and what I was asking for but in the end, no matter how great the opportunity, we couldn't come to terms on the money.  Obviously, it just wasn't meant to be and that's ok.  
Immediately after that upheaval, family arrived in town and it's been a steady stream of activity and entertainment in our house the past 10 days.  With a sigh of relief, we finally sent them on their way today.  I have to admit, while I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of having them here, it's really nice to settle back into just our normal crazy. 

Hopefully, I can take some time this week to catch up on some posts.  I did say life has also been full of kinky adventures:)

Even though I was rarely in a position where I could make comments, I did try to secretly steal away a few moments here and there to at least read and keep up with everyone else's blog!


  1. :-) , glad things are going ok with you . i can understand the family bit entirely hugs

    1. Hi saffy! Yes, things are ok, just busy on all fronts!

  2. Kinky adventures, you say?! I will be wondering about those! ;)

  3. Misty, I hate to be a tease;) Hopefully I can get in some writing this weekend!
