
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Question: Did You Ever??

One reader asked me in an email:

Did you ever get punished for the situation referenced in the "Can't Blame a Girl for Trying" post?

If you are new to my blog, you can go back and read about the whole situation here.

I was wondering if and when someone would ask about this punishment.  Several weeks back, I actually did write a fairly lengthy post with all the gory details and then somehow accidently deleted most of it.  At the time, I wasn't interested in trying to retype it so I just assumed it wasn't meant to be...well, that is unless someone asked.

Overall, I would say that this punishment was fairly mild in comparison to some of the others Master has provided.  And for that, I was thankful. There was acceptance of the fact that I had disobeyed, flat out refused to do something He requested rather, and I was aware there would be a subsequent penalty. 

But what of His role in the matter?  After all that had happened, it still felt like we were on a bit of shaky ground and I was a little afraid of how I might react if He pushed too hard, too fast.

There really wasn't a punishment as much as there were a small series of them throughout a period of about a week.  Starting with a clear reminder of my place, I was driven mad with need by the pleasure of His mouth on me, only to be left wanting and handed the cap of a pen with an assignment to edge myself with my "little dildo" ten times daily.

Yes, the cap of a pen. A small ball point pen I might add with a small little plastic cap about half the size of one's pinky finger! 

As if it wasn't degrading enough to find my body responding to such a pathetic little piece of plastic, I received other random messages to hump myself for a certain amount of time on objects of my choosing. 

At the end of the week, the more painful part of the punishment was delivered.  Stripped naked on the bed, I found myself in a new position, one that He intends to specifically use for punishment and  allows uninhibited access to both my ass and pussy.  Master made sure that I felt the sting of His belt across both until I was whimpering and squirming with each blow.   

As with any punishment received from Him, it is the intent and the disappointment I feel from Him and in myself that sets the tone, making the sting of punishment...that much worse.   



  1. Glad you shared the details of the aftermath. I am sure I was not the only one wondering how the events from a few weeks back concluded. All is well that ends well :) - AAF4Us

    1. I do apologize for keeping you in suspense:)

    2. suspense is good though, right :) -AAF4Us

  2. That sounds like a rough week for you! Your Master is very creative. A ball point pen cap - I can only imagine how frustrating that was!

    1. Not sure that I appreciate His creativity all the time...LOL! It really was frustrating.

  3. ooo, thanks for writing this, I was wondering about the punishment!

    1. No problem. I did leave it kind of hanging there for a while!
