
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Chaos is the Law of Nature

I had intended for my 200th post to be something really good, and I did have a topic in mind I wanted to write about.  But that will have to wait for later because my brain is just not going to wrap itself around anything like that right now.

Ever have one of those nights that just erupts into chaos?  One minute everything is rocking along just fine and the next, you wondered what the hell happened?

Oh boy, have we have had one of those nights.  I think I said something recently about not missing my dogs while we were on vacation.  Yep...I did say that!  And holy cow, do I really mean it...especially after having to separate them from what we thought was going to be a life ending fight for one of them tonight.

To make a long story short, we have 3 female dogs.  Apparently, that doesn't work out well with the whole pack mentality thing.  One of them is elderly, and when we got a new puppy about a year and a half ago, the dynamics changed and the middle dog began attacking the older dog.  The only thing we can figure is that the middle dog wanted the puppy for herself or felt that the older one, being the weakest link, should be eliminated. 

Well, ideally we should have found a new home for one of them (particularly the trouble maker) but no one could bear the thought of giving up "their" dog.  So after we tried everything we could think of, including brining in trainers, we decided that it was best for the elderly dog to go live downstairs in the basement with my mom. 

I know...I have felt like complete ass about separating her from the rest of the family but we felt this was the only way to keep all the dogs and keep her safe, plus she could be doted on by my mom all the time. 

This has been a fine solution except it doesn't afford for you to make a single mistake.  Unfortunately, tonight was that night when one mistake lead to disaster.  With the whole family watching in complete horror, it took everything we had but Daddy and I were finally able to get them separated with little damage (we think).  I am so thankful that it wasn't worse than it was but it seemed like an eternity of craziness and IT WAS SCARY!

Of course this happened right as dinner was ready to be served so by the time we were able to sit down and eat, it was cold and there wasn't a chance that anyone was going to enjoy. 

Not long after I started washing up the dishes, my older daughter got a phone call from her best friend who was on the other end of the line sobbing uncontrollably.  So, frantically she grabbed her things and was running out of the house to go see about her friend while we were begging her to be careful and stay calm while driving over there. 

For the moment...all is calm again.  It's a good thing nights like this don't happen often because I think we all lost a few years off our lives. 

Daddy did get a good laugh when He saw me shoving chocolate cake in my face and the littlest one heading off with a spoon and the carton of chocolate ice cream.  But He always knows exactly how to take care of all of us though. To take the littlest one's mind off things, they just left for the store to go buy a new back pack she saw earlier today...and she just had to have!  And that leaves me with a few moments of much needed peace and quiet.

They are back home now and just as I was proofreading this post and getting ready to hit "publish", the littlest one just pulled two loose teeth in a matter of maybe 10 minutes.  Who looses two teeth in one night?! 


  1. Oh man, that does sound like a crazy night!! LOL at losing years off your lives, I know that feeling! Maybe a drink is in order...what's another day or two off your life :)


    1. Thanks for the hug Misty. I definitely could have used a drink...or two...or three:)

  2. blimey, what a hectic night, you certainly deserved the chocolate lol


    1. Thank Tori! I did really enjoy it too. I think I told you this on one of your posts but I sure am glad to see you back:)

  3. My child didn't lose 2 teeth in one night, but 4 in a matter of a week or so. She has 3 more loose. I swear she will have no teeth here shortly.

    What a night! How is your older daughter?

    1. Oh my goodness! How in the heck is she going to eat anything?? That must be quite a sight. I love when they are in that snaggletooth cute:)

      Well, funny you ask about my older daughter. So last night her best friend went through a break up. Today was my daughter's turn. What a bunch of drama it is at this age!!

  4. Ee, so very hectic. I agree, you deserved the chocolate cake! lol. I hope things are more calm now. :)


    1. Things are much calmer today:) Thankfully! And I really did enjoy that cake!!

  5. Oh my...was it a full moon???? Glad to hear things eventually got under control.

    1. That's a good theory! But I don't think it was. Yes, I was glad things calmed back down too! Days like that make you appreciate the calm ones...that's for sure!

  6. Ooh, having had to break up my share of brutal dog fights, I can totally sympathize with that kind of crazy! Unfortunately, we ended up losing one to her injuries. I'm glad you fared better.

    And I should really get that little sticky picture tattooed on my forehead...It would save on so many explanations!

    1. sorry that you lost one that way. I think I remember reading one of your posts about that:(

      I'm thankful everything turned out ok but it's no way to live for us... or the dogs. I just don't know what the hell to do about it! We even have the older dog on anxiety medicine. Poor thing!

      And yes...tattooed sticky picture on the forehead!! That would be so much easier:)
