
Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Dreaded "F" Word

Would you believe F...A...R...T is now considered a "bad" word!! 


Neither did I. 

Since one of my most basic rules is no swearing, that "F" word has been my go-to word, replacing all the other naughty words in my vocabulary. 

Daddy announced the other day, "I hate that word and don't want to hear it anymore."

I giggled a little and responded "you ARE kidding, right?

The extra lick I got after maintenance last night said He meant business!  And would you believe that darn word still almost slipped out when He spanked me?

Oh boy...I have a feeling this one is going to be a hard habit to break!

One of my favorite scenes....from one of my favorite movies!


  1. Fudge and sugar are my stand-bys when the kids are about. Once they know what they stand for they'll be out too!

    1. I like those and they would probably work because he just thinks fart is...well unladylike:)

  2. I have not been allowed to say 'that word' since the beginning. He finds it more bothersome than saying the real F word (which I can not say either). Good luck with the new restriction and I hope you adjust quickly!


    1. Thank you! Yes...we will see how many "reminders" are needed for this one.

      And isn't it funny, as I am sitting here typing this response, He just told me that it slipped out today when I was talking to him and I didn't even realize it. much for adjusting quickly:)

  3. I have to follow the same rule, I decided to get clever with it and now often use - shrek, and shreking. Like, what the shrek - shrek off. :P etc. lol It has even started to rub off on a lot of people that I talk to. :)

    1. And p.s I love that movie! :D xxoo

    2. I have got to find a new word and quick!! I don't want to copy yours but I need to think of something equally as good.

      Believe it or not, neither my kids not Heron had watched that movie until this past Christmas. So I bought it and we all watched it together. The kids loved it...He HATED! I don't understand what's to hate. It's CLASSIC:)

    3. Lol, you can use mine all you like hon... I don't mind! :)

      And wow! lol. I've watched it ever year since I was a kid with my Father, and kept the tradition alive with my own kids. :)

  4. We used to say "fluff" with the kids. Now they are older, I guess I resorted to bad habits. I like fudgsicle! I think for some reason it just feels better if it still starts with "f". Like you're saying it but not:)
