
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hidden Treasures

Today was another beautiful day on the lake.  Daddy caught plenty of fish and well...I just sat around in another one of my bikinis, eating like I had a tapeworm.  I don't know what it is about being out there, maybe it's the fresh air that makes me so hungry but I just can't help myself. 

This is becoming quite a regular habit on the weekends for us I suppose.  We enjoy it though.  Time spent in the peace and quiet is priceless. 

Today we went up into the mouth of a certain river and stumbled upon an amazing old looking dredge.  I was thinking...that would make a great photo backdrop and before the words came out of my mouth, He said the exact thing I was thinking.  It is almost too weird how much alike we are beginning to think! 

Anyways, He motored over to the dredge and nonchalantly looked around for a few minutes to make sure we were really alone. He finally pulled up beside it and I scooted off our boat, onto the dredge. Quickly, I posed for some pictures, hopped back on our boat and we went on our way.


After we got home, I was getting ready to shower and Daddy happened upon the long forgotten cane that had been tucked away in our closet.  I think when I was vacuuming the other day, I must have knocked it over, so it was lying where He could see it. 

You should have seen the look in His eyes and the joy in His voice.  He was a like a kid that just unwrapped a Christmas present.  

Today, we were up to a count of 16 in daily maintenance spankings, and I guess you can imagine what He couldn't wait to use!!



  1. I still really like you bikinis! It's great that you are able to find secluded spots on your lake. I frequent a lake, although I have not found a secluded cove yet to attempt any type of play.

    1. Thank you. I am actually taking a liking to the bikinis myself. Its not often I can wear them, but I do take every opportunity that comes along because I know how much Heron enjoys them. Hopefully, you can find your secluded cove!! We also go out pretty early before everybody shows up with their jet skis and party boats.

  2. Sounds like such a wonderful day! :)

    1. It was!! Wish every day could be spent like that but that would require winning the lottery...LOL

  3. Nothing like a productive day on the water...and what a lucky dredge to have scenery like that perched upon it. -AAF4Us

    1. Aw...thank you. I think I may be blushing...:)

  4. You look gorgeous in the bikini-glad your wearing a very small one. Great tits-large and firm- especially for a bikini. Somebody was smiling you when those were created. Normally what would you wear if your just getting into wearing them?

    1. Aww...thank you Charlie. I guess the doc probably did have a big old grin on his face. But then so did I when I got used to them:) To answer you question, I pretty much always bikinis but not the "micro" variety. And I still do wear a more conservative bikini around my kids.
