
Monday, August 4, 2014


Sorry for the completely vanilla post but today was such an emotional day for me. Today was the beginning of yet another school year and were milestone days for each of my girls. 

The oldest...well it was the first day of her senior year.  It seems like just a few months ago, she was my little baby.  Daddy and I ask each other all the time "how is it that she is SO grown up?".  And she looked so pretty this morning!  I complimented her and asked "why are you so dressed up?". She said "well mom, today is my last first day of school and I wanted to look nice".  All through the day, I thought about what she said and kept getting choked up.  Darn it...I'm even doing it now just trying to write this post.

The youngest (my little hot-headed fashionista that thinks I am a complete embarrassment to all man-kind)...this was her last first day of elementary school.  I feels like my heart is completely breaking as I watch her childhood, and all it's sweet innocence, slipping right through my fingers.

I'm not a perfect mother, not even close, but I know how much I love them and I can only hope one day they understand just how proud they made me each and every day. 


  1. Big huge hug!

    My girls are only 4 and 2, but I understand a little.

    1. I am sure you have already seen how quickly they grow up. I know it's hard when we are living it, to appreciate and soak up those special moments but I try!
      Hugs back:)

  2. my girls are 6 and 9, that loss if innocence is tough. once gone it's never back. We've another 4 weeks to the start of school then they go up a year ... again.

    1. Oh, I sure hope you enjoy the rest of your summer. By the end of it though, I am usually quite grateful to have them back in the structure of school.

  3. I so understand how you feel. My daughter is going into 7th. At times, she displays such childhood innocence and I savor those moments. My son is going into 10th and has been through so much already. I just wish I could give them back that innocence, where the world and its problems are of no knowledge.

    1. I know you haven't said too much about him lately. I hope he's doing ok. I wish we could hide and protect them from all the horrors of the world! They are exposed to so much and at such a young age...makes it hard to keep that innocence. I don't know if your daughter has experienced just how mean girls can be but oh my is horrible and at such a young age!!

  4. My oldest moved out a few months ago, but I still have some at home, and understand this feeling so well. Big hugs!

    P.S Never apologize for posting vanilla posts, we all have lives and things going on, and I think it's great when it gets shared here,along with everything else. :)


  5. You are so right...I love to read about people lives...the kinky and not kinky...because that's what life really is like!

    If my oldest moves out after high school, I think my younger one will be crushed. Not sure how that one will play out.

    1. Exactly! :)

      My middle boy just turned 15, and was very crushed also when my oldest moved out. He's 18 - but now it's kind of neat, he can go stay the night with him, and they get along even better than before. lol. I have a couple younger ones also, my youngest being two. Only one girl in the whole mix! x_x That is how I had so many, we kept trying for a girl! lol xx

  6. This is super sweet! It made me tear up. Almost like they were my own. Oh! Wait a minute. They are!

    They will always be our babies :)

    1. And your comment made me tear up...I love you<3

      Forever and always!
