
Thursday, August 28, 2014

All In My Head

I still have a little more to write about our cabin adventure, but I just thought this was too funny not to share.  
I don't know about all of you fellow bloggers, but sometimes I do my best blog writing in the car.  I can have an entire post laid out in my head while driving from one place to another.  Now whether or not I can remember it all when I finally sit down in front of my computer is an entirely different issue.  You know...the whole getting older thing really sux! 

Today, I had to be somewhere at 4:30.  As I exited the freeway, I was right on time.  I turned left crossing back over the freeway, needing to take a quick left just over the bridge.  Well, apparently I was off in land somewhere in my head thinking about a blog post and turned left too early, putting myself right back on the expressway.  I had to go three miles down, turn around and try it all again.

Needless to say, I didn't make it on time!


  1. Yes, I write them while driving. Or in the shower and getting ready on the morning. Especially emails to Master. Ones that sound really good. Clear, precise, and to the point. I go to wrote it and it's everything but clear, precise, and to the point.

    Oh. I hate when I'm in lala land and take turns too early or late.

    1. Oh brain isn't anywhere near functioning when I shower and get ready. I don't stand a chance at coherent thought until I have had my coffee!!

  2. Ha! I can so relate to this. Sometimes its a post, sometimes its other things. My mind tends to wander. But I find I do my best writing in the shower.

    Better late than never right.


    1. So glad that I am not the only one with a wandering mind:) And yes...better late than never except when your Sir asks you to take care of a bill!

  3. I write posts or chapters in my head while driving, then when I'm home in front of the computer - puff - gone. I now carry around a little notepad so I can least jot down some prompts to help me remember.
    I've also missed turnings, driven in the wrong direction...

    1. Actually, I did start carrying around a notepad. I am almost embarrassed to admit...sometimes I forget I have it:)

  4. Yes, lol! Or, when I am trying to fall asleep at night, agh! lol.

    Been away with strep throat here, finally getting caught up again.. ee. Missed your blog! xx

  5. Oh...I have NO trouble falling asleep at night. Supposedly, I am snoring the minute my head hits the pillow.

    I really hope you are feeling better. I have sure missed you being around:)

    1. Lol, Sir is the same way - out once He hits the pillow. I've always been so envious of that! :)

      Thank you hon, I am feeling much better.. a little bit of it hanging out still, but nowhere near as bad as it was. Shew. :) I missed being around! :) xx

    2. Funny how one partner always seems to be one way and inevitably the other is the opposite!!
