
Friday, January 30, 2015

A Sigh of Relief

I wish I had something fun to write about but this sickness has been lingering here now for over a week.  And now that I am finally feeling a bit better, the youngest is sick. Maybe the timing is good though because Daddy has had to stay completely immersed with work and school this week.  So, at least I don't feel quite as guilty for not being able to serve Him in my usual capacity. 

But on a good note...actually a really good note, the eldest received an acceptance letter to her  college of choice and scored high enough on her ACT to be awarded an academic scholarship that will cover her entire tuition!!  I'm so happy for her and breathing a sigh of relief.      


  1. Congrats and hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. Thank you, mouse! I actually think it's a conspiracy here...just since I wrote this post, even the dog got sick. When it rains it pours, doesn't it?!

  2. That's so great!! I bet your daughter is elated.

    1. Thank you Misty. I am so proud of her. It almost makes up for those two tickets that she's gotten in the last month. LOL

  3. LG glad to hear you are feeling better and congrats to your daughter. Such an exciting time. My son was stoked when he finally got the letter from the college he wanted to attend. They grow up so fast. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

    1. Thanks SGT. It is an exciting time for sure! And no doubt...they grow up too fast.

      Wishing you and yours a great weekend as well:) xx
